- Microctonus cretus n. 冠食甲茧蜂
- ENIGMA is a project created by Michael Cretu. "谜"是由迈克尔·克雷楚创立的一项计划。
- Michael Cretu is the writer of the music and writes the lyrics. 迈克尔·克雷楚兼作曲和作词。
- Born 46 years ago in the Romanian capital of Bucharest,Michael Cretu began studying music as a child. 迈克尔·克雷楚46年前生于罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特,从小便开始学习音乐。
- "Contrary to the usual record-company philosophy,people are open-minded and starved for something unique,"said Cretu. 与唱片公司一贯的看法相反,人们思想开放并渴求与众不同的东西,"克雷楚说。
- Preferring to view an album in its entirety,Cretu regards each song as a "chapter in a book,and therefore only an excerpt from the whole work. 克雷楚更愿意把一张专辑看成一个整体,而把每一首歌看成"书中的一章,因而只是著作的一个选段"。
- Capturing the essence of ENIGMA is no easy task,as Cretu readily admits:"No words can explain music. Music explains itself." 捕捉"谜"的精神内涵并非易事,正如克雷楚所乐于承认的:"没有语言能够解释音乐,音乐诠释着它自身。"
- ENIGMA 3 ascended to the existential realm: as Cretu noted,"the central question of our being is not'to be or not to be,'but'WHY?'." 《谜3》追溯到存在主义的领域:正如克雷楚所说:"我们存在的中心问题并非'存在或不存在',而是'为什么?"。
- Capturing the essence of ENIGMA is no easy task,as Cretu readily admits:"No words can explain music.Music explains itself." 捕捉"谜"的精神内涵并非易事,正如克雷楚所乐于承认的:"没有语言能够解释音乐,音乐诠释着它自身。"
- Microctonus aethiopoides n. 埃塞食甲茧蜂
- Microctonus n. 食甲茧蜂属
- Microctonus brevicornis n. 短角食甲茧蜂
- Microctonus dinghuensis n. 皱背食甲茧蜂
- Microctonus longicornis n. 长角食甲茧蜂
- Microctonus maae n. 马氏食甲茧蜂
- Microctonus mesus n. 区食甲茧蜂
- Microctonus neptunus n. 直瓣食甲茧蜂
- Microctonus simulans n. 皱板食甲茧蜂
- Orgilus cretus n. 宽缝怒茧蜂