- The micro-nano manipulator, acted as an executive mechanism, is one of the key components of micro nano operational system. 摘要作为一执行机构,微纳操作器是纳米操作系统的关键部件之一。
- Nano surface engineering is the new development of surface engineering, and is the typical representation that the advanced nano technology improves the traditional surface engineering. 纳米表面工程是表面工程发展的新阶段,是先进的纳米技术提升传统表面工程的典型代表。
- This gentle cleanser caresses your face as it removes surface impurities, leaving your skin clean and comfortable. 此款温和的洁面乳呵护您的脸部肌肤,除去表面的污垢,使您的肌肤清爽舒适。
- A velvety, non-drying foam cleanser designed to effectively remove makeup and surface impurities while retaining essential moisture in the skin. 这款如天鹅绒般、温和且保湿的洁肤霜,能够有效地清除脸部所有残妆及表层杂质。
- This lightweight cleanser for all skin types deep-cleans pores, removes excess oils and clears surface impurities leaving the skin feeling completely refreshed. 高效防敏感,能深入彻底清洁皮肤和收细毛孔。能抗菌消炎及舒缓镇静。成份:山金草、青瓜精华。
- Microstructure and Microhardness of Laser Cladding Nickel Alloy- Matrix Composite Coating Reinforced with Micro Nano Tungsten Carbide 激光熔覆微-纳米碳化钨复合涂层结构与性能研究
- A new generation toner that really detoxifies skin. Gently helps eliminate surface impurities from the skin's surface to leave skin feeling soft and comfortable. 全新第二代保湿排毒美容液,去除脸部老废角质层,净化肌肤,令肌肤焕发新生光采。
- Later, tried every time washed through some citric acid washed again, some of the top roller surface impurities calcium, reactions to the formation of ratherish substances. 结果,试着在屡屡洗完后,再用些柠檬酸乾洗一遍,使胶辊暗不天的一些钙类杂质爆不收化学不正答,变成难溶精神以便冲洗肮脏。
- The TEM shows lots of nano silica particles circumfuse on the surface of the micro Fe particles after the micro Fe coated by silica. 随着TEOS的投料的增加,材料饱和磁化强度呈下降趋势,微米粒子磁化曲线通过原点,表面包裹后,剩磁与矫顽力变化很小对于微米铁粉,其磁畴变化较快,没有剩磁与矫顽力。
- The limestone absorb impurity from the ore and form a fluid slag which floats on the surface of the heavier molten iron. 石灰石吸咐了铁矿石中的杂质,形成浮在较重的铁水表面上的流动渣。
- D.W.Moon.* , H.I.Lee. ,: Nano Surface Group, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Sc 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。
- micro nano material 微纳米材料
- A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake. 一阵微风吹皱了湖面。
- How fast does the new micro process the data? 这新微型计算机处理数据有多快?
- A wave broke across the surface of the pool. 一个波浪从池水表面掠过。
- The calm water surface is very much like a mirror. 那平静的水面十分象一面镜子。
- A luscious exfoliator with crushed apricot seeds and natural pumice help washes away surfaces impurities, leaving skin polished. 杏脯碎粒和天然浮石帮助洗涤去除皮肤的污垢杂质,把皮肤擦亮。
- Acid had pitted the surface of the silver. 酸把银器的表面腐蚀了。