- Michelia wilsonii Finet et Gagne 峨眉含笑
- the essential oil of Michelia wilsonii Finet et Gagnep 峨眉含笑精油
- Michelia wilsonii n. 峨眉含笑
- A new species of the genus Michelia L. From china is given. 发表了中国含笑属一新种。
- Passifloraceae nom. conserv.Passiflora wilsonii Hemsl. 镰叶西番莲 Passiflora L.
- Michelia hedyosperma, a new economic plant of Magnoliaceae. 木兰科含笑属一种有价值的新植物 -- 香籽含笑.
- Michelia chapensis is one of the endemic garden tree species in China. 乐昌含笑是中国特有的经济、园林树种之一;
- Pass on a stone like Maxine Hong Kingston Xiangu, a stone Michelia if Lohan. 山巅之上一石似亭亭仙姑,一石含笑若罗汉。
- Studies on imitate-habit planting of broad-leaved evergreen of Michelia L. And Manglietia Bl. 含笑、木莲属树种生态复合拟生栽培试验。
- The volatile oil was extracted from Cinnamomum wilsonii leaf and twig with the steam distillation and the yield was 1.1% and 0.7%(V/W), respectively. 摘要采用水蒸气蒸馏法从川桂叶和嫩枝中提取挥发油,出油率分别为1.;1%25和0
- They have this overriding feelings, you know how to become more of a strong life, Michelia through the dull life. 因为拥有了这种超然的情感,你变得更加的懂得坚强的生活,含笑走过那平淡的生命。
- Title: Soil properties and water holding capacities of Michelia macclurei,Schima superba and Castanopsis fissa stands. 关键词:阔叶纯林;水源涵养;土壤物理性质;养分;微生物;酶活性
- The new cultivar Michelia crassipes "Mozi" was selected breeding from the M. crassipes Law. 摘要从紫花含笑中选育出新品种墨紫含笑。
- Division of the floristic elements of Michelia of Guizhou by method of fuzzy clustering analysis. 应用模糊聚类方法划分贵州含笑属植物区系地理成分。
- The order of their drought resistance are Michelia platyetala>Michchelia maudiae>Michelia foveolata>Michelia tsoi. 研究结果与大田容器苗受持续秋旱产生的旱害观测结果吻合,为苏南地区北移引种提供了科学依据。
- Objective To optimize the extraction process of volatile oil in Michelia hedyosperma Lew by orthogonal design. 目的采用正交实验法优选麻罕挥发油的提取工艺。
- Pollen morphology of 12 taxa of Michelia was investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). 摘要利用扫描电子显微镜对含笑属12个分类群的花粉形态进行了观察和研究。
- A good prospect lies in the development and utilization of Michelia hedyosperma from dai medicinal material and natural spice. 香籽含笑作为傣药原料、天然调香原料具有较好的开发利用前景
- Begonia wilsonii Gagnep. 网脉秋海棠
- The volatile components were extracted from Michelia figo by water steam distillation and the oil yielding rate was 0.36%. 采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取含笑花中的挥发性成分;出油率为0.;36%25。