- 日场 [France] day show'
- 马赛尔·德赛利(France法国) Marcel Desailly
- country是最普通的中性词, 指可藉France或china这样的名称加以识别的地理区域 Country is the most usual and neutral word for a geographical area identified by a name, such as France or China
- 法国阿尔卑斯山(Mt. Alps, France)溪流型喀斯特瀑布水生苔藓植物群落生态研究 Ecologic study on aquatic bryophyte community at stream karst waterfall in Alps,France
- 在短语 Paris, the capital of France 中,the capital of France 是 Paris 的同位语。 In the phrase 'Paris, the capital of France', 'the capital of France' is in apposition to 'Paris'.
- 对法国阿尔卑斯山(Mt.Alps,France)6个溪流型喀斯特瀑布水生苔藓植物群落进行了研究。 An ecological survey was conducted at six stream karst waterfalls in Alps,France in 2000,about 14 aquatic bryophyte communities were recorded.
- 运行该宏的窗体上“国家”字段中的值为“法国(France)”、“意大利(Italy)”或“西班牙(Spain)”,并且邮政编码长度不是5字符。 The value in the Country field on the form from which the macro is run is France, Italy, or Spain, and the postal code is not 5 characters in length.