- Because be used at the main map of navigation system science and technology of DVD of double deck of memory format preference, CD is in disfavor. 因为用于导航系统的首要地图存储款式偏好双层DVD科技,CD正在得宠。这种DVD解决方案继续主导市场。
- Normally, strengthening a synapse is a good thing.It is one of the steps thought to be important in memory formation. 通常状况下,加强神经键是件好事,这被认为是记忆形成非常重要的一步。
- Buchner's model suggested that this memory formation was attributable to both implicit and explicit memory. Buchner模型显示记忆的形成与内隐和外显记忆均有关。
- Consider the role of acetylcholine in learning and memory formation and relate it to the deficits observed in Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease. 思考乙酰胆碱在学习和记忆形成所扮演的角色并将它运用在思考阿尔茨海默病和亨廷顿舞蹈症中所观察到的不足。
- "To assess if the molecular mechanisms that generate LTP also underpin memory formation you need to study a liing animal while it is learning. 这种现象称为长程增强效应(LTP),认为这支持学习和记忆,正在集中研究分子基础。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- One example is a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is a primary locus of memory formation, but which can be seriously debilitated by chronic stress. 有一个例子是大脑中有个部位被称为海马区的,是记忆最初形成的地方,但是会被长期的压力严重损坏。
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。
- I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory. 我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。
- PubMed abstract: A cardinal feature of neurons in the cerebral cortex is stimulus selectivity, and experience-dependent shifts in selectivity are a common correlate of memory formation. 公共医学图书馆摘要》:一个大脑皮质神经元的基本特色是神经刺激反应的选择性,且此经验依赖性的刺激变化通常与记忆的形成有关由经验依赖性的选择性神经刺激改变的理论推导,我们利用了一个理论性的学习法则,以设计了在大脑海马回与新皮质中研究突触可塑性基础机制的实验。
- Researchers at the City University of New York are using transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, to learn more about how magnetic fields affect areas of the brain associated with memory formation. 纽约城市大学的研究用了环形磁铁刺激,或者是TMS,来研究磁场是怎样影响脑联接中的记忆组成的。
- As I explained before, stress and glucocorticoids can disrupt memory formation in the hippocampus and can cause hippocampal neurons to atrophy and lose some of their many branches. 我在前面解释过,压力及糖皮质素能搅乱记忆于海马的成形,并造成海马神经元萎缩,丧失部份的分支。
- The book is written in an episodic format. 这本书是以一种松散的形式写成的。
- It's the same book, but a new format. 还是那本书,但这是新的版式。
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- As described, the amygdala's shift from merely responding to an arousing event to be coming chronically overaroused probably involves memory formation as well as the growth of new synapses. 如前所述,杏仁体原本只是对于引人注意的事件产生反应,到后来转变成长期的过度兴奋,其中可能有记忆形成以及新突触的生成。
- Previous findings have shown that the intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV) and lobus parolfactorius (LPO) are principal structures involved in memory formation in the chick brain. 上纹体和旁嗅核是参与雏鸡学习记忆的主要脑区。
- I don't think you could ever drink away the memory. 我看你决不能借喝酒来忘掉这件事。
- She retains a clear memory of his schooldays. 他清晰地记得他学生时代的情景。
- She is always moaning about her bad memory. 她总是抱怨自己的记性不好。