- Material containing low indium 低铟物料
- One hour later, he vomited watery material containing no blood. 一小时后,他吐出不含血液的水质样东西。
- Kitts Island with foods containing low levels of BPA for a month. 当然,如果机房装修较小,用水冷式空调就不太划算,因为其系统较为复杂。
- A film, plate, or other photographic material containing such an image. 底片含有这样一种映像的电影、感光板或其它摄影原料
- Zucchinis contain low calories and rich vitamin A, which is good for eye sight. 意大利青瓜含低卡路里和高维他命A,对视力很有帮助。
- Ration: survey material contain the quantity of various compositions. 定量:测定物质所含各种成分的数量。
- In one of the samples, a low indium InGaN/GaN QW is grown before five high-indium ones, which are grown under the same conditions as those for growing the five QWs in another sample. 其中一片样品在成长和另一样品相同的高浓度量子井结构之前,先成长一低浓度之量子井结构。
- The synthesis of star-branched polyisobutylene(IB) and star-branched butyl rubber containing low gel were studied. 研究了采用含双键的低分子量聚合物接枝剂合成星形支化丁基橡胶。
- Fabract ion of chiral material containing sodium chlorate and study on its polarization[J]. 引用该论文 颜飞彪;潘雪丰;陶卫东;白贵儒.
- Wheat varieties containing low content of protein are selected as far as possible.Steeping with dry rests is used. 尽可能选择蛋白质含量低且酿造性能好的小麦品种。
- Containing low fat insured longtime usage without getting fatness.It is the best gift for dog. 脂肪含量低,长期食用您的爱犬也不易发胖,是爱犬的上等佳肴。
- The method of disposal for all waste materials containing MMVF. 处理所有含有MMVF的废料的方法。
- Provides good seating properties for clean moderate service. Should not be used for close throttling or for handling material containing abrasive or corrosive particles. 适用于清洁中性的应用环境。不适用于关闭节流或处理包含研磨材料或腐蚀颗粒的流体介质。
- The maltitol syrup used as the starting material for crystallization also contains low levels of sorbitol, maltotritol and higher hydrogenated oligosaccharides. 用淀粉制取的麦芽糖醇溶液常常含有少量的山梨醇、麦芽三糖醇以及其它的低聚糖氢化物。
- Chitosan, a material containing a high level of amine functions, is derived from chitin, the most abundant biopolymer in nature after cellulose. 壳聚糖是一种储量丰富、不易造成二次污染、可生物降解的理想的高分子材料。
- A group of New Zealand for the manufacture of infant formula Lactoferrin, as containing low doses of melamine, yesterday banned the export. 纽西兰的一批主要用于制造婴儿奶粉的乳铁蛋白,因为含有低剂量的三聚氰胺,昨天被禁止出口。
- Carbon monoxide( CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuels or other material containing carbon. 摘要一氧化碳是一种无色、味的氧体,只要各种燃料或是含碳物不完全燃烧就会生成。
- As part of their study, the researchers fed African green monkeys at St.Kitts Island with foods containing low levels of BPA for a month. 譬如,一个很富裕的人,他也许穿的很普通,然而很可能他的一句话一个动作无不时刻显在炫耀自己,甚至不顾及别人的自尊心;
- Another concern is the disposal of some geothermal fluids, which may contain low levels of toxic materials. 另一个关注点是某些地热流体的处理,这些地热流体会含有微毒物质。
- Soy Isoflavones are a class of material contain physiological activity,which mainly include genistein,soybean genistein,and daidzein. 大豆异黄酮是一类具有生理活性的物质,它主要包括染料木黄酮、大豆黄素、黄豆苷元。