- The regimental mascot is a goat. 这个团的吉祥物是山羊。
- His little son is the mascot for the local football team. 他的小儿子是当地足球队的吉祥人物。
- The mascot of Beijing 2008 Olympic Game are Beiei、Jinging、Huanhuan、Yingying、Nini. 2008年北京奥运会的吉祥物是贝贝,晶晶,欢欢,迎迎和妮妮。
- Huanhuan is the big brother among Fuwa. 欢欢是福娃中的大哥哥。
- Huanhuan is the big brother of all. 欢欢--是福娃中的大哥哥。
- Fuwa huanhuan is the big brother. 欢欢是福娃中的大哥哥。
- Children may get a mascot“ baby rabbit”. 如果提前三天预订,小朋友更可获赠吉祥物“兔宝宝”。
- The team's mascot is a giant swan. 这个队的吉祥物是只大天鹅。
- The Mascot Design for the 16th Asian Games. 第16届亚运会吉祥物设计作品。
- Do you know what does Mascot mean to people? 你知道吉祥物对人意味着什么?
- T: This is Athens Olympics mascot. 展示第七幅雅典奥运会吉祥物的图片。
- Dragon is a typical mascot in China. 龙是中国一种典型的吉祥物。
- The team had a mountain lion as their mascot. 这只球队将美洲狮作为吉祥物。
- Unicorns are also a kind of mascot. 麒麟是一种吉祥物。
- What is the mascot of the 28th Olympic games? 第28届奥运会的吉祥物是什么?
- What was your high school mascot? 谁是你高中时候的贵人?
- Children may get a mascot "baby rabbit". 如果提前三天预订,小朋友更可获赠吉祥物“兔宝宝”。
- The football team's mascot is a goat. 那支橄榄球队的吉祥物是山羊。
- They are Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini. 他们是贝贝,晶晶,欢欢,莹莹和妮妮。
- Fashion exquisite. Rat is the mascot of this year! 时尚精美.;也是我们今年鼠年的吉祥物喔!