- Marx' s concept of freedom 马克思的自由观
- Each of us might define the concept of freedom in a different way. 我们每一个人可能对自由概念的解释都有所不同。
- Only by authentically interpreting Marx' s concept of substance, can we grasp the essentiality of Marxist philosophy, and the Marxist philosophy system as well. 只有正确解读马克思的物质概念,才能把握马克思主义哲学的真髓,从而正确把握马克思和马克思主义哲学体系。
- Abstract: Marx' s concept of substance, formed during the era against metaphysics and for positivism, is one with contemporary significance in philosophy. 文章摘要: 马克思的物质概念是一个在哲学上具有当代性意义的概念,它是在反对形而上学,提倡实证科学的时代氛围中确立的。
- They are all dealt with in Galatians. especially the concept of freedom. 加拉太书正处理这些问题,尤其是自由的问题。
- Reimer’s concept of art is the foundation of his idea of aesthetic education. 在这样的艺术观的支撑下,才有了雷默的审美教育思想。
- Chapter Two reveals Willa Cather"s concept of ecological ethics in O Pioneers! 第二章探索了小说中所显现出的生态伦理思想。
- How could you have a slogan like "freedom is slavery" when the concept of freedom has been abolished? 连自由的概念也给废除了,何谈什么'自由就是奴役'?
- Democracy is a bulwark of freedom. 民主是自由的保障。
- A kind of fatalistic flavor was sent forth from both Sartre's concept of freedom and Kafka's. 萨特与卡夫卡的自由概念都具有宿命论特征。
- Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: I fail to comprehend how far we are fully committed to the concept of freedom. 公爵夫人:我不知道我们是否真正理解了自由这个概念。
- I conclude that, apart from the utopian element in Marx's conception of a future classless society, the positions of Marx and Rawls on the justice of capitalism and the market are quite close. 笔者的结论是,除了马克思关于未来无阶级社会概念中含有理想成分外,在资本主义及市场的正义观上。马克思和罗尔斯的立场相当接近。
- The patriots fought under the banner of freedom. 爱国者在自由的旗帜下战斗。
- The white bird is a symbol of freedom. 这白色的鸟是自由的象徵。
- Hegel?s concept of spirit is the synthesis of the Kantian distinction between noumenon and phenomenon. 黑格尔的精神概念是在康德对本体和现象区分的基础上进行综合的。
- Slavery is the antithesis of freedom. 奴役与自由是对立的。
- The concept of freedom is based on the interpretation of the essentiality of Politics. 自由的概念离不开对政治本质的理解。
- Chapter Two deals with Hesse’s concept of self and relates it to the Buddhist concept of self, Buddha-nature. 第一章陈述作者与印度和佛教文化的渊源,并介绍佛教中的部分重要的主张。
- Hoped that a new spirit of freedom was arising. 渴望一种自由的新精神已在形成