- Market garden worker 果菜园工人
- She sold her poultry farm because it did not pay and then bought a market garden which also failed; she went from the frying pan into the fire. 她因禽场不赚钱就把它卖了,然后买了块菜园,可又亏了本,她这真是逃脱小难又遭大难。
- John and his brother are engaged in some plan for acquiring land and starting in business as market gardeners. 约翰和他的兄弟正忙于计划得到土地,以经营蔬菜农场来供应市场。
- In the leadership value and under the botanical garden worker's hard work, various cities' air quality, the environment quality and resident's activity venue greatly to have a new look. 在领导的重视和园林工作者的辛勤工作下,各城市的空气质量、环境质量和市民的活动场所均大为改观。
- It served in the western and eastern front notably in the battle of Normandy, operation "Market Garden" in Holland, and the offensive in Ardennes. 并参加了在荷兰进行的阿纳姆战役(“市场花园”行动)。
- May 19, "5, 19" 6 anniversary of the situation, reporters from the Jinmao Tower out by a great center of boulevards and air market garden from the rear through the Shanghai Stock Exchange hall. 5月19日,“5?19”行情6周年纪念日,记者从金茂大厦出来,走过一片巨大的街心花园和空场,从后门穿过上海证券交易所大堂。
- They also cleared bushland, dug wells and worked as market gardeners. 他们还开垦灌木丛,挖水井,并从事市场园丁的工作。
- Included in the extraordinary parasol ant society are tiny garden workers, and slightly bigger workers who did the interconnecting chambers of the hive. 在特殊的翼蚁世界里;所有的蚁巢都是由工蚁和一些大一点的普通蚂蚁建筑起来的.
- The worker fattened the cattle for market. 工人把牛养肥供应市场。
- For his poetry, he is like a watchman years of garden workers, peace with different plants in different seasons of different harvest. 对于他的诗,他就像一位守望多年的园林工人一样,平和的对待不同植物在不同季节里的不同收获。
- John and his brother are engaged in some plan for acquiring land and starting in businessas market gardeners. 约翰和他的兄弟正忙于计划得到土地,以经营蔬菜农场来供应市场。
- There are mainly six farming types in Britain. They are arable farming, dairy farming, stock farming, mixed farming, hill farming and market gardening. 英国主要有六种农作业类型:耕地业、乳品业、家畜业、混合农业、山地畜牧业和市场果蔬业。
- However the Chinese were generally left undisturbed to pursue what were considered traditional Chinese jobs such as market gardening and herbalism. 然而,这通常对华人没有什么影响,他们照样干着被认为是中国传统的行业,如市场园艺和种植中草药。
- Stock farming rears livestock primarily for meat (e. G. Beef, lamb). Market gardening is the growing of vegetable and fruit which can be rapidly transported to market while fresh. 家畜业饲养家畜主要是提供肉食(例如牛肉和羊肉)。市场果蔬业种植蔬菜和水果,在新鲜时就快捷的运输到市场出售。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- The gardening workers there hurried to the spots, cleaning up the snags on the roads and brushing off the snow on the branches to protect the trees. 环城公园的绿化养护人员立即上路,清理影响道路交通的断枝,并用竹竿为树木打雪,确保树木安全。
- Market dull and slacken no business report. 市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。
- The pigs fetched a good price at the market. 那些猪在市场上卖了好价钱。
- Park corners on the green lawn, brook running, rockery bright, lush green trees and many gardens workers also repaired lawn parks for tree watering fertilization. 公园内绿草茵茵,小河潺潺,假山错落有致,树木繁茂青翠,不少园林工人还在公园内修整草坪,为树木浇水施肥。
- Oil stocks bottomed out in the market. 石油的股票行市停泻回升。