- Studies on the Reproductive Biology and Endangerment Mechanism of the Endangered Plant Manglietia aromatica 香木莲有性生殖特性与其濒危机制的研究
- Manglietia aromatica n. 香木莲
- Studies on Chemical Constituents of Curcuma aromatica Salisb. 温莪术化学成分的研究。
- The Path and Correlation Analysis Between Crown Characteristics and Stemwood Growth of Manglietia yuyuanensis Law. 乳源木莲冠层特性与生长的相关及通径分析。
- Studies on imitate-habit planting of broad-leaved evergreen of Michelia L. And Manglietia Bl. 含笑、木莲属树种生态复合拟生栽培试验。
- A Physio-ecological Study on Photosynthesis of Sinomanglietia glauca and Two Species in Manglietia Bl. 华木莲与木莲属两树种光合生理生态研究。
- Title: A Physio-ecological Study on Photosynthesis of Sinomanglietia glauca and Two Species in Manglietia Bl. 关键词:木兰科;华木莲;乳源木莲;巴东木莲;光合作用;生理生态
- With rising of the concentration of curcuma aromatica oil, the edema of synapse and mitochondria was mitigated and the PSD was increased gradually. 随着莪术油浓度的增加,突触和线粒体水肿逐渐减轻,突触后致密物质逐渐增多。
- Curcuma aromatica Salisb. [医] 郁金
- Manglietia yuyuanensis Law. 乳源木莲
- Manglietia. 木莲属。
- The state protects the plant has two tourist wood, Hainan rent piles, half-feng Dutch, and three have spent Shan Sui, white wooden peg, hanging Paper Cone, free folder, such as Maotao Manglietia. 属国家保护植物二级有观光木、海南租桩、半枫荷,三级有穗花杉、白挂木、吊皮锥、皂夹、毛桃木莲等。
- Limnophila aromatica [sparrow herb] 紫苏草;麻雀草
- Illigera aromatica S. Z. Huang et S.L. Mo 香青藤
- ) Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. f. 龙脑香树(唐本);
- mistura cretae aromatica cam opio [医] 芳香鸦片白垩合剂
- Manglietia insignis (Wall.) Blume 红花木莲
- Keyword: Manglietia yuyuanensis; 关 键 词: 乳源木莲;
- subclass_Magnoliidae: genera Liriodendron; Magnolia; Manglietia. 木兰群亚纲;鹅掌楸属;木兰;木莲属。
- Endangered Mechanism and protection Measures of Manglietia decidua 落叶木莲的濒危机理与保护对策