- Manfeilong Pagoda 曼飞龙塔
- Manfeilong Pagoda in Jinghong 景洪曼菲龙塔
- An ancient pagoda frown; on the mountainside. 一座古塔阴森森矗立在山腰上。
- He was riveted by the ancient pagoda. 他的注意力被那座古塔吸引住了。
- The pagoda is perched on top of the hill. 宝塔耸峙於山顶之上。
- Be sure to keep the pagoda within the view-finder. 千万把那宝塔收在取景框内。
- Do you see the slim pagoda on that hill? 你看到山上的那座细长的宝塔了吗?
- Away from the pagoda stretch fields of ripening corn. 从宝塔过去,是一片黄熟的玉米地。
- The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair. 建于明代的那座塔现在还完好无损。
- Just look ahead and you'll see a pagoda. 向前望去,你就可以看到一座宝塔。
- Miles looked at the pagoda with a gaping mouth. 麦尔斯惊奇地望着那座宝塔。
- The pagoda came into view as we rounded the bend. 路一拐弯我们就看见了宝塔。
- The pagoda stands alone on the top of the hill. 那宝塔孤零零地坐落在山顶上。
- The pagoda cast its shadow athwart the lake. 塔影斜映在湖面上。
- Near the house stands an old pagoda. 靠近那屋子耸立一座古塔。
- The pagoda is a bit out of focus. 宝塔有点模糊。
- A high pagoda rises behind our house. 在我们家的后面矗立着一座高塔。
- The reflection of the pagoda comes and goes. 塔影时隐时现。
- I think the pagoda's a bit out of focus. 我看这宝塔有点模糊。
- Regardless of danger, he climbed the pagoda. 他不顾危险地爬上了高塔。