- Madge Weinstein n. 美奇·韦恩斯坦;虚拟的播客人物;主持Yeast Radio
- Canal.The Weinstein Company.Kinowelt. Optimum Releasing发行的影片).
- This speech gave Jeanie a dark insight into Madge's history. 这些话使珍妮对玛吉的身世有了个大致的了解。
- Madge: My brother finally figured out a way to save his money. 我哥哥终于想出了把他的钱省下来的办法。
- Weinstein said “ this trend also affects our prepress process. 温斯坦说:“这种趋势还影响到了我们的预印流程。
- Madge: Do you think me new outfit will go out of style quickly? 你觉得我的这套新装备会很快过时吗?
- Weinstein, S., "imperial Patonage in the Formation of T'ang Buddhism. (帝王的支持与唐代佛教的形成)。
- Madge: My brother finally figured out a way to save his money.Mindy: Great.How? 我哥哥终于想出了一种把他的钱省下来的方法。
- Madge then stripped off the coarse ordinary shoes which she wore, and replaced them by a pair of dirty satin ones. 接着,玛古又脱掉那双家常穿的粗布鞋,换上一双肮脏的锻子鞋。
- Madge Wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo. 玛吉·野火的常识不会欠缺到领会不了这个暗示。
- Most of the lost shoes were made for children,Weinstein added,noting the company was fully insured against loss. 据温斯坦介绍,丢失的大部分是童鞋,并且全部都买了保险。
- Weinstein's body, with hands and feet bound, was discovered by a hiker in March. 月一名徒步旅行者发现了温斯坦捆着手脚的尸体。
- Most of the lost shoes were made for children, Weinstein added, noting the company was fully insured against loss. 据温斯坦介绍,丢失的大部分是童鞋,并且全部都买了保险。
- She purposely colored her wish to Mr. Archibald by saying that she had seen Madge formerly. 她故意对阿奇博尔德先生强调她的愿望,说她以前曾见到过玛吉。
- "I think they're taking advantage of a good opportunity at this time," said Weinstein, the analyst. “我认为他们正在利用本时期一个绝好的机会,”分析师温斯坦说。
- Madge took Levitt's advice, retreating as fast as she could, and dragging Jeanie along with her into a sort of recess. 玛吉听从莱维特的劝告,尽快地拉着珍妮走进一个跟耳房差不多的地方。
- Grabbing Weinstein by the jaw, the attacker told her he had a gun and forced her into the Camry. 这名歹徒抓着温斯坦的下巴,告诉他,他有枪,强迫她进入车里。
- Madge, whose slumbers, like those of most who labour under mental malady, had been short and were easily broken. 象大多数精神病患者一样,玛吉的睡眠一向是短促的,而且很容易惊醒。
- Weinstein's body, with hands and feet bound, was discovered by a hiker on March 17. 3月17日,一名徒步旅行者发现了温斯坦的尸体,她的手脚被捆绑着。
- Madge, therefore, uninterrupted, went on with the wild disjointed chat which her rambling imagination suggested. 而玛吉凭着她无拘无束的想象,自由自在地继续扯谈些不相连贯的事情。