- The country' s economy is dependent on tourism. 该国经济依赖於旅游业.
- The nation' s economy is growing rapidly. 这个国家的经济在快速增长。
- You can' t blink the fact that the country' s economy is suffering. 不能不考虑国家经济正遇到困难这一事实.
- The country 's economy was on the edge of the precipice. 该国的经济已处于崩溃边缘。
- Taiwan’s economy is likely to stagnate for a long time to come. 台湾经济很可能会停滞很长一段时间。
- Turkey’s economy has grown prodigiously over the past ten years. 这句用 present perfect 用得很对,因为考虑时段是从十年前一直到现在。
- The benefits of the NCP reforms to Australia’s economy are significant. 全国竞争政策的改革为澳大利亚的经济带来重要的积极影响。
- PNG's economy is suffering in the aftermath of a serious drought and last year's tidal wave. 受去年洪水和严重旱灾所影响,巴布亚新畿内亚经济正陷入困境。
- There' s no getting away from the fact that the country' s economy is suffering. 国家经济疲软; 这一事实无法回避.
- China is becoming a part of MNC globalization;and MNC will dominate the principles of china"s economy operation. 中国将逐步成为跨国公司全球化战略的安排中的一部分或一个节点;
- I'm going to make sure if I'm going to Macao. 我要拿定主意我是否去澳门。
- Under Governor Rendell’s leadership, Pennsylvania’s economy rebounded sharply. 根据总督戴尔的领导下,美国宾夕法尼亚州的经济大幅反弹。
- Li s great contribution and success on Taiwan s economy development has brought him the indelibly name in the history. 综观李国鼎的一生,自加入经建团队以来,即以推动台湾的工业化为职志,在台湾的产业经济发展史上,佔有重要的地位。
- As an authoritative state, China 's economy has made mercantilism display to its utmost. 同时,国际社会做出了强烈的反应,贸易摩擦和争端将成为常态。
- With China’s economy chugging along at 11 percent GDP, it is no wonder freight rates are strong. 在中国经济保持着11%25GDP增长率的情况下,运费没有理由不迅猛增长。
- Chinese people all over the world are now boycotting Japanese goods.Will that bring loss to China’s economy? 是不是因为我们全球中华大众对日货的抵制,中国就会受到损失?
- Our country"s economy expedites many growth-type enterprises in the reforming process. 我国的经济在转型过程中催生出许多成长型企业。
- This dissertation specializes in Jiujiang"s economy from the angle of the switchover of diplex roles. 本文选择从中心到边缘双重角色换位的角度对九江进行专题研究。
- Vietnam s economy has been growing since implementing a reform policy called Doi Moi (renovation) in 1986. 鑑于该新兴市场的潜力,愈来愈多的台商前往投资。
- Dehua is absolutely an international-oriented county.En, then, plays a key role in developing DH's economy. 德化绝对是一个国际定向的县城,所以(英语)在德化的经济发展中扮演着重要的角色。