- Maackia hupehensis n. 马鞍树
- Maackia amurensis Rupr.et Maxim. 山槐 豆科 黄色木、朝鲜槐。
- The species Castanopsis hupehensis C. 湖北锥 Castanopsis hupehensis C.
- Impatiens pritzellii Hook. F. var. hupehensis Hook. f. 冷水七醇提物
- Conclusion: Malus hupehensis can be used as the plant to extract phloridzin. 结论:湖北海棠可作为提取根皮苷的植物加以利用。
- These gaps were usually formed after 3~4 trees logged which were mainly composed of Tilia amurensis, Quercus mongolica and Maackia amurensis. 1%25的林隙呈圆形,61.;9%25的林隙呈椭圆形,其中38
- The Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extracts of Lmpatiens Pritzellii Hook. F. Var. Hupehensis Hook. F. 冷水七醇提物的体外抗菌活性研究。
- The different characteristics of the variety Malus hupehensis var. taishanensis are described supplementarily. 并对泰山湖北海棠变种区别于模式变种的形态特征进行了补充描述。
- This paper concerns to analyse the heart-wood-rot of chemical compositionof amur maackia, manchurian lilac, amur corktree and manchurian ash in rot process. 本文分析了山槐、暴马丁香、黄檗、水曲柳等心材样品在腐朽过程中的主要化学成分变化。
- Definition: Hubei Fritillary Bulb is the dried bulb of Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao et K. 本品为百合科植物湖北贝母 Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao et K.
- Objective To study the chemical constituents from the stem and leaf of Fritillaria hupehensis. 目的研究湖北贝母茎叶部分非生物碱部位的化学成分。
- The seed density of climax species such as Pinus koraiensis, Abies nephrolepis, and Acer mono increased, whereas that of Maackia amurensis and Fraxinus mandshurica decreased. 红松、臭松和色木槭等顶极种的种子密度逐渐增大,山槐、水曲柳等树种的种子密度逐步降低;
- Separation and purification of total alkaloids form Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao et K.C. 与相似的文献。
- RESULTS Under the selected chromatographic conditions,the alkaloid constituents of the flowers of Fritillaria hupehensis w. 目的:研究湖北贝母花与鳞茎生物碱成分的区别。
- Objective:To compare the phloridzin contents of different parts in Malus hupehensis.The study may provide the basis for the utilization of Malus hupehensis. 目的:比较湖北海棠不同部位的根皮苷含量,为湖北海棠的利用提供依据。
- Object To track the effective part of antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic activities of Fritillaria hupehensi Hsiao et K.C. 目的以镇咳、祛痰、平喘为药效学指标,跟踪湖北贝母活性部位。
- In order to realize high accumulation of hepatoprotective isoflavones in cultured cells of Maackia amurensis, medium components were optimized through single factor test and the orthogonal experiment. 为实现怀槐培养细胞高水平积累保肝成分异黄酮,本文对怀槐细胞培养基组成进行了优化。
- Objective: To compare the phloridzin contents of different parts from the Malus hupehensis.The study may provide information for the utilization of the Malus hupehensis. 摘要目的:比较湖北海棠不同部位的根皮苷含量,为湖北海棠的利用提供参考。
- The character could be used to identify and classify M. baccata (L.) Borkh.Venations of M. hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd. and M. baccata (L.) Borkh. was similar to each other greatly. 脉序的类型稳定,不同地方居群的代表样又有一定的特点,可以作为山荆子鉴定和分类的依据。
- Crataegus hupehensis Sarg. 湖北山楂