- Lysimachia remota n. 疏节过路黄
- Corydalis remota Fisch.ex Maxim. 齿瓣延胡索
- Supplementa et emendanda ad Lysimachia sinicas. 中国珍珠菜属植物研究补遗与订正.
- Corydalis remota Fisch.ex Maxim.var.lineariloba Maxim. 线齿瓣延胡索
- Corydalis remota Fisch.ex Maxim.var.papillosa Bar.et Skv. 瘤叶延胡索
- Corydalis remota Fisch.ex Maxim.var.papillosa(Kitag.)Bar.et Skv. 瘤叶延胡索
- Corydalis remota Fisch.ex Maxim.var.rotundiloba Maxim. 圆齿瓣延胡索
- Objective:To study on flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroide Duby. 目的:对珍珠菜中黄酮类化合物进行研究。
- A study of the genus Lysimachia Linn. in the region of East China. 华东地区排草属植物的研究.
- New species and variety of Lysimachia from Chekiang Province, China. 浙江排草属的新种和新变种.
- Any of various plants of the genus Lysimachia, having usually yellow flowers. 珍珠菜属植物一种珍珠草属植物,通常开黄花
- Taxonomic and phytogeographic studies on Chinese species of Lysimachia. 中国珍珠菜属植物的分类与分布.
- Hao, and Y.F.Deng.The identity of Lysimachia longshengensis G.Z.Li &S. 中国紫金牛属圆齿组花粉形态研究及其分类学意义。
- Study on the Chemical Constituents of the Volatile Oilfrom Lysimachia trientaloides Hemsl. 追风伞挥发油的化学成分研究。
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Lysimachia Paridiformis Franch. and Ecdysanthera Rosea Hook.et Arn. 重楼排草和酸叶胶藤化学成分的研究
- Definition: Christina Loosestrife is the dried herb of Lysimachia christinaie Hance (Fam.Primulaceae). 本品为报春花科植物过路黄Lysimachia christinae Hance的干燥全草。
- The progress in the research of the chemical components and pharmacological activities of Lysimachia was reviewed. 查阅近年有关文献,对珍珠菜属植物的化学成分和药理作用进行综述。
- An observation on the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of two species of Lysimachia. 两种珍珠菜属植物染色体数目及核型的观察.
- Objective To study the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from Lysimachia congestiflora Hemsl. 目的研究小过路黄挥发油的化学成分。
- The newly described new species Lysimachia longshengensis (Primulaceae) is reduced to Lycianthes lysimachioides (Solanaceae) as a synonym. 关键词:报春花科,龙胜香草,茄科,单花红丝线,新异名|全部关键词