- Lycopodium japonicum Thunb. 石松
- Lycopodium japonicum n. 石松
- Lygodium japonicum ( Thunb. ) Sw. 海金沙
- A plant of the genus Lycopodium, which includes the club mosses. 石松属植物一种石松属植物,包括石松
- In this case, the scientist ignites a cloud of lycopodium spores. 在这个实验中,科学家点燃一片石松子孢子。
- Studies on the chemical constituents of Cirsium japonicum DC. 大蓟化学成分的研究。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. Et Zucc. 连香树的组织培养和快速繁殖。
- Among lycopodium alkaloids, which could be extracted from haperziaceae species, Hup A has the best medical effects. 除石杉碱甲外,石杉科植物还含有几十种石松生物碱,但在众多的石杉碱及其类似物中,以石杉碱甲的医疗效果为最好。
- The yellowish powdery spores of certain club mosses, especially Lycopodium clavatum, used in fireworks and explosives and as a covering for pills. 石松粉某些石松植物的黄色的含粉末的孢子,尤其是棒形石松属植物用于焰火、火药和药片的覆膜
- Lycopodium and related genera comprise the common clubmosses or (North America) ground pines. 石松属植物及其亲缘关系较近的属构成了石松类或(北美的)土柏。
- The Biological Features and Conservation of Cercidiphyllum Japonicum Sieb. Et Zucc. 连香树的生物学特性及其资源保护。
- Partial Protection Induced by Phage Library-selected Peptides Mimicking Epitopes of Schistosomiasis Japonicum. 从随机多肽库中筛选日本血吸虫抗原模拟表位诱导保护性免疫的研究。
- Propagation and Utilization of an Endangered Rree Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. Et Zucc. 濒危物种连香树资源繁育与开发利用。
- Objective To observe the dynamic changes of CAgs and IgG Ab of sera from rab-bits infected with Schistosoma japonicum before and after treatment. 目的观察感染家兔在治疗前后血清中循环抗原和循环抗体的动态变化情况。
- Therefore,Dot?ELISA to detect CAgs is not suitable for judgement of infectiosity of ?Schistosoma japonicum?. ? 因此Dot-ELISA法检测循环抗原不适宜于作为日本血吸虫感染度的判断方法
- The rSj-FABPc, can be recognized by the rabbit serum with schistosoma japonicum immunity using western blotting. Western blot显示,表达蛋白能被日本血吸虫免疫兔血清识别。
- Conclusion:Lycopodium japanicum L.has significant anti-inflammation and analgesia pharmacological actions,and the active compositions are mainly in chloroform extract. 结论:伸筋草具有显著的抗炎镇痛药理作用,其有效成分集中在氯仿提取部位。
- G. japonicum similar to the former, but deep purple in colour, stipe laterally or mesially located. 紫芝与灵芝相似,但呈深紫色、菌柄有中竹扛及侧生。
- Examples include certain species of Lycopodium and Selaginella, which have two rows of lateral leaves and one or two rows of smaller abaxial or adaxial leaves. 例如石松属和卷柏属,植物体上具有双行较大的侧生叶,还有1行或2行较小的生于近轴面或远轴面的叶。
- The new species was regarded as gametophyte of the various local species, G. amansii, G. japonicum and G. pacificum. 但是最后却因生长季节已过而凋亡怠尽。