- Lu Ling' s novels 路翎小说
- Finally, by using the spiritual ecology of professor Lu Shuyuan, the author explored the content in Cather’s novel that reveals human spiritual living. 最后,本文结合鲁枢元教授的精神生态学思想,剖析了凯瑟作品中表现人精神生存的内容。
- Lu Ling is a spirit explorer shouldering the task of exploring people's spirit world. 路翎以开掘人物灵魂为己任,是一个人类灵魂的探索者。
- Many critics saw flashes of E.H. in the young M.'s novel. 许多评论家称在年轻的M.;的小说中有海明威的影子。
- Lu Ling is an explorer of human soul who portrayed images of modern intellectuals in his novels. 路翎是一个人类灵魂的探索者,他在小说中塑造了一批现代知识者形象。
- At last, spreading out, brings to light the contribution that Ouyang Xiu and Lu Ling scholars made to the development of academic thought in the middle of the Bei Song Dynasty. 最后铺展到面,揭示了欧阳修与庐陵学人对北宋中期学术思想发展之贡献。
- A multi-faceted film based on Raymond Jean&&9;s novel "La Lectrice". 康斯坦斯睡在床上大声朗诵小说给爱人听。
- Although I do not believe the Jesus Christ in foreigner mouth, but we still can borrow the christmas of foreigner machine is orgiastic, bai Xue wave, lu Ling knock, sweet restful evening arrives again, happy christmas day is much better! 虽然我不信洋人口中的耶稣基督,但洋人的圣诞节我们还是可以借机狂欢一下,白雪儿飘飘,鹿铃儿敲敲,甜蜜的平安夜又来到,快乐的圣诞节多美好!
- The British image in Lao She s novels has op... 老舍小说中的英国形象为读者打开了一扇审视世界的窗户。
- I put the translation of Upton Sinclair' s novel into her hands since 19d finished it already. 我就把《屠
- Zhao Ben fu?s novel Earth, the Mother is in a narrative way from the folk discourse. 赵本夫是采用民间话语的叙事方式来写作长篇系列小说《地母》的。
- History and its reconstruction are among the important themes in Toni Morrison?s novel Paradise. 历史及其重构是托妮·莫里森小说《乐园》的重要主题。
- The strong consciousness of depicting histories of Hugo?s novel creation had affected Zengpu deeply. 雨果小说创作中强烈的写史意识对曾朴产生了深刻的影响。
- The means of Dracula’s arrival to Whitby in Stoker’s novel was also loosely founded on truth. 斯托克小说中德古拉到达惠特比的方式也隐约取自事实。
- This essay tries to read and interpret Morison"s novel in the Light of Intertextuality. 本文从莫里森小说的互文性表现形态来说明小说的主要特征。
- The Aesthetic features of Lu Yin s novels are as follows: sensibility of character images; realistic writing of subject matters; and privateness of novels styles. 庐隐小说的审美特征主要体现在三个方面:人物形象的情感性;题材内容的写实性;小说体式的私秘性。
- We can"t really comprehend the complex contents of Lu Xun" s novels and will obliterate their plentiful meanings by the way seeking the dialectical development of his spirt. 寻求鲁迅精神世界辩证发展的研究方式并不能真正理解鲁迅小说的复杂内容,而且会抹杀其小说的丰富意义。
- On the Psychoanalytical Characteristics of LU Ling's Novels 论路翎小说的心理分析特色
- Another adaption of Mary Shelley‘s novel about a scientist who brings life to a creature fashioned from corpses and various body parts. 又一部根据玛丽.;谢莉的恐怖小说改编的电影,讲述一个科学家把许多尸体的不同部分拼凑成一个完整的躯体,并给予其生命。