- Loligo gotoi n. 五岛枪乌贼
- Indian block frozen Loligo tubes are quoted at US$5.30/kg cfr Italy which is the same level as that quoted in the June report and slightly up on that for May. 印度冷冻管状乌贼块的报价与六月份持平比五月稍高,到义大利的成本加运费为5.;3美元/公斤。
- Hodgkin A L,Huxley A F and Katz B. Measurement of current-voltage relations in tne membrane of the giant axon of Loligo[J]. J. Physiol. , 1 952,116: 424. 俞卓;周兰清.;膜片钳技术在心血管研究中的应用[J]
- Qingdao Jincan Foods Co.,Ltd, dealing seafoods like varieties of seacatch shrimp, pink shrimp, black tigher shrimp and some fish,loligo,ribbonfish,horsemackerel and pomfret. 青岛锦灿食品有限公司,主要从事水产品业务,例如各种类的海捕虾,粉虾,黑虎虾和鱿鱼,鲳鱼,带鱼,竹荚鱼等鱼类产品,以及寿司虾,面包虾等深加工产品。
- Crayfish, Silverfish, Catfish, Octopus Eel, Anchovy, Red shrimp, Leather Jacket, John Dony, Mahi Mahi, Monkfish, Red gurnard, Vannamei Shrimp, Todarades Pacificus, Loligo Chinensis. 淡水小龙虾、银鱼、鲴鱼、章鱼、欧鳗、鱼、红虾、马面鱼、鳅鱼、海鲂鱼、安康鱼、红娘鱼、南美对虾、日本真鱿、中国红鱿鱼。
- Chinese squid ( Loligo chinensis) 中国枪乌贼
- frozen seafood. White shrimp, loligo squid, catfish fillet, ... 求购冷冻海鲜,白虾,鱿鱼,鲶鱼片,鳕鱼片
- Biological Characteristics of Loligo edulis Hoyle in the East China Sea 东海剑尖枪乌贼生物学特征
- Fishery Biological Characteristics of Swordtip Squid Loligo edulisin the Southern Part of the East China Sea 东海南部剑尖枪乌贼渔业生物学特性
- frozen seafood. White shrimp, loligo squid, catfish fillet, pollock filet, salmo ... 求购冷冻海鲜,白虾,鱿鱼,鲶鱼片,鳕鱼片
- Dactylogyrus gotoi n. 茹茎指环虫
- Echinostoma gotoi n. 后藤棘口吸虫
- Carex gotoi n. 叉齿薹草
- Prosomicrocotyla gotoi 后滕前微杯虫
- Paramphistomum gotoi 后藤同盘吸虫
- Loligo duvaucelii n. 杜氏枪乌贼
- Loligo edulis n. 剑尖枪乌贼
- Loligo beka n. 火枪乌贼
- Loligo bleekeri n. 长枪乌贼