- Light Infantry Depot 轻步兵仓库
- Kerns are Irish light Infantry made up of freemen armed with a javelin and small handweapon. 爱尔兰标枪兵出身自由民阶层,装备标枪和短柄格斗兵刃。
- Kerns are Irish light Infantry made up of freemen armed with small hand weapons. 科恩斧兵出身自由民阶层,使用短柄战斧进行厮杀。
- Fearless light infantry equiped with only a scimitar, effective against other infantry and archers. 沙漠突击队是步行而且快速的战士,他们仅仅用短弯刀作装备。
- Elite light infantry skirmishers armed with javelins and spears, and sometimes armour. 阿拉贡突袭兵是精锐的职业轻装突袭部队,装备标枪和长矛,有时亦会身穿盔甲。
- These battalions were all lavishly equipped with heavy machine guns, mortars and light infantry howitzers. 这些大队都有充足的机枪、摩托和轻型步兵跑。
- Light Infantry Squad: 4 rifleman and a squad leader with machine gun, anti infantry. 轻步兵班:4名步枪兵和1名携带机枪的班长,适合对抗敌方步兵。
- The two ROK divisions, organized into the ROK I Corps, could best be described as light infantry. 韩国的两个师被编为韩国第1军,对其最适合的表述应该是轻装步兵。
- They are ideal for an ambush, outflanking engaged units and taking light infantry head on. 最善长埋伏,侧翼包围,然后冲向轻步兵。
- Daylami Light Infantry are slaves from steppes and the persian desert, trained and formed into standing military units. 素质:一般类型:地方兵种艾哈盖由乾草原上的牧民组成。
- Brave Lithuanian light infantry equipped with an axe and shield. Poor defensively but with a powerful attack. 立陶宛斧兵属于轻装部队,装备战斧和盾牌,极为骁勇善战,但防御力欠佳。
- Historically, the Austrians were widely regarded as producing the finest light infantry forces in Europe. 历史上,奥地利人被认为拥有欧洲最好的轻步兵。
- The Japanese expected to encounter light infantry and cavalry, not regular Soviet tank and motorized units. 日本人期望遇到轻步兵和骑兵,而不是正规的苏联坦克和摩托化部队。
- Elite light infantry skirmishers armed with javelins and swords, and sometimes armour. 阿拉贡突袭兵是精锐的职业轻装突袭部队,装备标枪和长矛,有时亦会身穿盔甲。
- Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers. 轻步兵用以组成散兵队形以迟滞敌军的前进速度,并驱逐敌军轻步兵以防他们骚扰本军阵线。
- They are effective against light infantry and when grouped in large numbers can become a thorn in the side of any opponent. 特拉比松弓箭部队善于远程打击轻装部队,而且一旦规模巨大,对任何敌军都如同芒刺在背。
- Elite Light Infantry Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers. 我来试着翻译一下 轻步兵用以组成散兵队形以迟滞敌军的前进速度,并驱逐敌军轻步兵以防他们骚扰本军阵线。
- Light cavalry recruited from settled areas, and well suited to taking on archers, light infantry and other light cavalry. 穆斯林轻骑兵来自遍布中东的阿拉伯部落,擅长驱逐敌军弓骑及冲袭轻步兵。
- The banshee was adopted by the Dominion as a light infantry support craft that could be quickly transported to any world. 女妖被联邦政府认可并作为步兵的空中支援,女妖战机可以将步兵迅速运送到任何世界。
- Light Infantry Troops, best kept out of the front line of battle but useful for harassing enemy archers or other vulnerable troops. 希纳坎部队属于轻装步兵,通常不会与敌军正面作战,而是用于骚扰对方远程部队或其他近战脆弱的部队。