- His maiden attempt at writing was in 1931. 他初次尝试写作是在1931年。
- Microraptor gui also had a long feathered tail. 顾氏小盗龙同样有一条长着羽毛的尾巴。
- Jeff: Look! Is that the photo of Deng Yaping? 杰夫: 你看,那不是邓亚萍的照片吗?
- Another victory led by Deng Jun. 在邓军领导下取得了又一个胜利。
- I recommend that you learn to use this GUI tool. 我推荐你学习使用这一个图形用户接口工具。
- Tao Tianyue was born in Anhui province in 1931. 陶天月,一九三一年生,安徽人。
- It is also GUI toolkit agnostic and portable. 它也有GUI工具包,很轻便。
- Deng: Certainly there will be no turning back. 邓:肯定不会。
- Professor Rorty was born in New York City in 1931. 罗蒂教授于1931年出生在纽约城。
- Owned by the Liao family of the Qing Dynasty. 是清代一户姓廖人家的住宅。
- "Jane Addams won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931. 简-亚当斯于1931年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
- The Research on the Liao Dynasty Na Bo Institution. 辽代捺钵制度研究。
- The trams were phased out in 1931. 有轨电车在1931年会被逐步淘汰。
- Deng is my surname and Fan is my given name. 姓邓名帆。
- The AP in the GUI will be a lighter gray. GUI 中的 AP 将会是浅灰色。
- Salah liao! This bag is not mine! 弄错了!这包不是我的!
- Nevada legalized gambling in 1931. 1931年,内华达州将赌博合法化。
- Gibran died in New York on April 10, 1931. 纪伯伦于1931年4月10日死于纽约。
- Cao Gui answered, 'Fighting needs spirit. 曹刿说:“打仗要考勇气。