- Liagora divaricata n. 叉粉枝藻
- Saposhnikovia divaricata Schischk. 防风
- Saposhnikovia divaricata(Turcz.)Schischk. 防风
- Saposhnikovia divaricata( Turcz. )Schischk. 防风
- Fresh-cut Gynura divaricata(L.) DC. 鲜切富贵菜
- Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk. 防风
- Studies on the Fatty Acids in the Kernel Oil of Prunus divaricata Ldb. 樱桃李核仁油脂肪酸组成分析。
- Conclusion Gynura divaricata(L.)DC can be distinguished by its microscopic structure. 结论白子菜显微特征对白子菜有鉴别意义。
- Objective To study on the yield and quality for the newly specie of the Polyploid Saposhnikovia divaricata. 目的探讨防风多倍体新种对于防风产量和质量的影响。
- Objective To provide some new evidences for the identification and development of Gynura divaricata(L.)DC. 目的为鉴别和开发白子菜资源提供科学依据。
- The polysaccharose content of one-year and two-year Saposhnicovia divaricata is 6.53% and 6.76% respectively and their difference is not significant. 一、二年生防风样品的多糖含量分别为6.;53%25和6
- Objective To set up a quantitative determination method of HPLC for four components in the chromone fraction of Saposhnikovia divaricata(Turcz. 目的建立防风色原酮部位中4种成分升麻素苷、升麻素、5-O-甲基维斯阿米醇苷和亥茅酚苷的高效液相色谱含量测定方法。
- J.Sm Drynaria propinqua Wall.Ex Mett.Bedd Pseudodrynaria coronans Wall.Ching Davallia divaricata Hay Humata griffithiana Hook.C. 骨碎补 槲蕨 光叶槲蕨 崖姜 大叶骨碎补 杯状盖骨碎补 海州骨碎补 鑑别 Gusuibu Drynaria fortunei kze.
- The present paper deals with the structure of the thalli and development of the reproductive systems of four species of Liagora,namely,L. pinnata Harv. and L. setchellii Yamada,both from Xisha Qundao,and L.boergesenii Yamada and L.decus- sata Mont. 本文对采集于我国西沙群岛的羽枝粉枝藻(Liagora pinnata Harvey);鼓苞粉枝藻(L.;setchellii Yamada);和采集于台湾省的密孢粉枝藻(L
- Ephedra sinica、RAMULUS CINNAMOMI、Asarum sieboldii、Notopterygium、Saposhnikovia divaricata、Echinacea、calculus bovis、Dried Venom of Toads、borneol and so on . 麻黄、桂枝、细辛、羌活、防风、紫锥菊、合成牛黄、蟾酥、冰片等。
- Results: Saposhnikovia divaricata had an obvious effect of dispelling wind, and was an effective antispastic and antidiarrhoeal.It was widely applied in clinical practice. 结果:中药防风具有良好的解表祛风,止痉止泻作用,在临床应用治疗风邪所致的面瘫、眼疾及肝郁脾虚之泄泻有良好的效果。
- Mossaenda divaricata Hutch. [医] 白常山
- Gynura divaricata ( L. ) DC. 白背三七
- Gynura divaricata (L.) DC. 白子菜
- Gynura divaricata(L. )DC. 白背三七