- Denitrification, on the other hand, can be very serious with a combination of no tillage and imperfectly drained soils. 硝态氮的淋失虽然在免耕制下稍高一些,但在夏季作物上,一般不是氮损失的主要途径。
- Summarizing phosphorus fertilization under minimum and no tillage, it can be said that surface broadcast applications generally work very well in terms of plant uptake and for maintaining adequate soil levels of available soil phosphorus. 综上所述,免耕制和少耕制下磷肥的施用,从植物吸收的角度和从维持足够有效水平的角度来考虑,地表撒施一般效果很好。
- Forests have given place to tillage and pasture. 原先的森林已被耕地和牧场所取代。
- All work and no pay makes Jack a dull boy. 只有工作无工资,杰在也得变蠢才。
- Vacuum Planter Suitable for Less Tillage and Straw Covering Condition and Its Improvement 气吸式免耕覆盖播种机及改装应用
- The ship was dry and no liquor was allowed. 船上是禁酒的,不准卖含酒精的饮料。
- All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. <谚>只工作不玩耍,聪明杰克也变傻。
- The trouble with my job is that it is all work and no play. 我工作上的困扰是一味工作而全无玩乐。
- Cultivation situation, problem and countermeasures of Chinese rapes with no tillage and direct sowing 中国油菜免耕直播栽培现状、问题及对策分析
- He couldn't lift the table and no more could I. 他抬不动那张桌子,我也抬不动
- Plot test of no tillage and seedling -broadcast cultivation of rice with different leaf age 免耕稻不同叶龄抛栽小区试验研究
- Our team has had five wins and no losses this season. 我队今年赛季赢五场而未输过。
- Effects of Minimum and No Tillage on Seed Filling and Yield of Summer Maize 少免耕对夏玉米灌浆过程和产量的影响
- A drunkard is like a whisky bottle, all neck and belly and no head. 酒鬼好比威士忌瓶,全是脖子跟肚子而没脑子。
- It's cold today, and no mistake. 今天的确很冷。
- It's just four o'clock. no more and no less for a minute. 正好是四点,一分钟不多,一分钟也不少。
- He's intent on getting promotion, and no one's going to stop him! 他一心一意想得到晋升,谁也劝阻不了他。
- That's a fact and no two ways about it. 这是事实,而且毫无疑问。
- Compared to Birdman, JC's intelligence is better and no less. 加了 no less 反而 锦上添花 多了其他意思。
- No tillage and direct seeding 免耕直播