- Lespedeza potaninii n. 牛枝子
- Study on Genus Lespedeza of Zhejiang. 浙江胡枝子属植物的研究
- Lespedeza daurica (Laxm.) Schindl. 达乌里胡枝子
- Lespedeza cuneata ( Dum2Cour s) G. Don. 铁扫帚
- Lespedeza cuneata (Dum.-Cours.) G. Don. 截叶铁扫帚
- Lespedeza davurica ( Laxim. ) Schindl. 兴安胡枝子
- Lespedeza hedysaroides (Pall.) Kitag. 尖叶胡枝子
- A physiological study on lespedeza in drought and salt stresses. 几种胡枝子的旱盐逆境生理学研究。
- Root System and Ratooning Peculiarity Research of Lespedeza bicolorTurcz. 二色胡枝子根系特性及再生特性的研究。
- RAPD Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Wild Population of Lespedeza Michx. 胡枝子属植物野生居群遗传多样性RAPD分析。
- Research Showed Limonium aureum var potaninii was a fine ground cover, cut flower and dry cut flower material, worth for popularizing and applying. 认为星毛补血草是优良的地被植物和干、鲜花兼用的切花材料,值得推广应用。
- Studies on the Introduction, Selection and Cultivation Techniques of Forage Lespedeza. 饲用型胡枝子引种、筛选及栽培技术研究。
- A Study on Community Structure of Lespedeza and the Influenceof Cutting Frequence for its Nutrient Component. 胡枝子群落结构及刈割对其营养成分影响研究。
- As a Leguminosae forage with high ratooning ability Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. have high economic value. 二色胡枝子作为一种再生能力较强的豆科牧草,具有较高的经济价值。
- Aiming at the existed problems in research of Lespedeza plants,four suggestions were proposed. 针对我国在胡枝子属植物研究工作中存在的问题,提出了4点建议。
- So, the lespedeza has great potentiality and market as one series of new-type forage shrub legumes. 因此,胡枝子作为一种新型的饲料灌木具有非常大的潜力和市场。
- Adenophora potaninii Korsh. 山沙参
- Especially, we are interested in buying only two metric tons of Lespedeza Bicolor as early as possible. 询盘内容:We are looking to find proper supplier or producer of tree seeds from China.
- Compound I was found as a novel compound.Both Compound I,III and IV were firstly found in the genus of Lespedeza. 其中,化合物I为结构新颖的新化合物,化合物II、IV、VI为胡枝子属中首次发现的化合物。