- Lecithocera palmata n. 掌平祝蛾
- An edible red alga(Palmaria palmata)that grows on rocky shores on both sides of the northern Atlantic Ocean. 红皮藻一种可食用红藻(红皮藻红皮藻属),生长于北大西洋西岸的礁石海岸
- An edible red alga(Palmaria palmata) that grows on rocky shores on both sides of the northern Atlantic Ocean. 红皮藻一种可食用红藻(红皮藻红皮藻属),生长于北大西洋西岸的礁石海岸
- Palmata ser. Palmata中华槭系ser.
- Carex lanceolata, Corylus heterophylla was 18.24kg/acre. Per unit area ofstock Geranium sibiricum L.of Ass. Sanguisorba officinalis,Filipendula palmata,mixto-herbosa was 73.57kg/area in Jiamusi. 结论 :佳木斯地区地榆、蚊子草、杂类草草甸群落类型的鼠掌老鹳草单位面积蓄积量为 73.;5 7kg/ 6 6 7
- Large-scale Isolation and Purification of R-phycoerythrin from Red Alga Palmaria palmata Using the Expanded Bed Adsorption Method 用膨化柱填料的方法从红藻中规模分离纯化R-藻红蛋白
- 2) In Acer,the section Palmata preserving more archaic characters was supported as basal to the rest of the genus but with lower bootstrap value; 2 )鸡爪槭组 (sectionPalmata)作为整个槭属的基部类群 ,虽然支持率较低 ,但与其它类群相比在槭属内维持了较多的原始性状 ;
- Lecithocera n. 祝蛾属
- Lecithocera longivalva n. 长瓣祝蛾
- Lecithocera hemiacma n. 喜马祝蛾
- Lecithocera pelomorpha n. 陶祝蛾
- Lecithocera insidians n. 印度祝蛾
- Lecithocera megalopis n. 大壳祝蛾
- Lecithocera petalana n. 扁祝蛾
- Stigmatophora palmata n. 掌痣苔蛾
- Calathodes palmata n. 黄花鸡爪草
- Lecithocera eretma n. 桨祝蛾
- Lecithocera hiata n. 裂突祝蛾
- Filipendula palmata n. 蚊子草
- Plica palmata 棕榈襞