- Include applications planning in each learning activity. 在每次学习活动的计划中包涵应用。
- Learning affect has a major influence on learning activities. 学习情感对学习活动具有重要影响。
- Education software is being developed to assist IT-facilitated teaching and learning activities. 教育署现正制作教学软件,以协助推行资讯科技辅助的教学及学习活动。
- The third part is to explain how to orchestrate PBL learning activities illustrated by a problem case scenario. 本文论述如何在护理本科伦理的教学中应用问题为导向学习(Problembasedlearning,PBL)。
- Shao Jinhan's historical philology had been throughout all of his learning activities. 邵晋涵在历史文献学上的成就贯穿于他的所有学术活动中,主要表现在辑佚、训诂、目录、校勘等方面。
- This Programme encompasses co-curricular learning activities over a period of fourteen months. 这个为期十四个月的计划浓缩了多个跨学科的学习活动。
- This unit is delivered in the form of presentations, learning activities and student discussions. 关于该课程的教学,将分为以下几种形式:幻灯片展示,学习活动,及学生讨论。
- As I learned Active Record, two problems plagued me. 在我学习活动记录时,有两个问题困扰着我。
- Language should be learned actively,independently and purposefully. 学习语言应该是主动的、独立的、有目的地学。
- When did you begin learning English? 你何时开始学习英语的?
- This learning activity allows users to answer rhyming riddles and then check their answers online. 这个学习活动允许使用者回答押韵的谜语然后在线核对答案。
- It has its own law and unique structural characteristics distinguishing it from other learning activities. 医学学习有其自身规律,具有区别于其它学习活动的结构特征。
- Gardner, H., Feldman, H. D. &Krechevsky, M.(1999/2001). Project spectrum: early learning activities. 朱瑛(译)。光谱计画:幼小阶段学习活动。台北:心理。
- LAMS is a revolutionary new tool for designing, managing and delivering online collaborative learning activities. LAMS是一个革命性的新工具,用来设计、管理和释出在线协作学习活动。
- Teachers in PYP try to ensure that all learning activities are relevant and related to the central Idea. PYP的老师努力确保所有的学习活动都与中心思想相关。
- Knowledge should be learned actively, independently and purposefully. 学习应该主动地、独立地、有目的地。
- The results showed (1)The use of deeping processing play an important role of learning activity. 教育中应重视对学困生学习动机的激发,特别是深沉内在的学习动机的激发。
- Positive profit, characteristics of knowledge and learning activities are the cognitional bases of the theory. 正利润、知识特性与学习活动是这一理论的认知基础。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- An action to be undertaken by a role within a specified environment. There are two types of activities: learning activities and support activities. 在一个指定的环境里,由角色采取的行为。这里有两种类型的活动:学习活动和支持活动。