- With a population of seventy million, the land problem was plainly critical. 在以后的三百年中,耕地面积扩大了一倍,而人口却增加到六倍以上!
- Land problems are complex and country specific; they need to be dealt with accordingly. 土地问题错综复杂,与国情相关;应视具体情况处理。
- It also asks for enhanced basic science, and technological and institutional changes "to address water and land problems". 它还要求加强基础科学,改革技术和制度,“从而解决水和耕地的问题”。
- The economic struggle should follow immediately,so that the land problem and the other economic problems of the poor peasants may be fundamentally solved. 并随即开始经济斗争,期于根本解决贫农的土地及其他经济问题。
- On the other hand, when solving the land problem, we should distinguish the ordinary rich peasants and middle and small landlords from the traitors, bad gentry and local tyrants. 另方面在进行以自卫战争粉碎蒋介石的进攻决土地问题时,应将一般富农、中小地主分子和汉奸、豪绅、恶霸分子,加以区别。
- Plan referred to another regarding the construction of the city of Tokyo and Narita Airport between Shinkansen also ran aground because of land problems. 计划中提到的另一项关于修建东京市与机场之间的成田新干线也因为土地问题而搁浅。
- If we can solve the land problem universally and completely, we shall have obtained the most fundamental condition for the defeat of all our enemies. 如果我们能够普遍地彻底地解决土地问题,我们就获得了足以战胜一切敌人的最基本的条件。
- We have now discontinued it for the sake of uniting greater numbers of people against Japanese imperialism,but that does not mean China does not need to solve her land problem. 我们今天停止实行这个政策,是为了团结更多的人去反对日本帝国主义,而不是说中国不要解决土地问题。
- As the struggle against feudalism involves the land problem, it affects the monks, and those who come under attack are the abbots and elders of the monasteries. 因为土地问题,反封建就反到了和尚,受打击的是住持、长老之类。
- We have now discontinued it for the sake of uniting greater numbers of people against Japanese imperialism, but that does not mean China does not need to solve her land problem. 我们今天停止实行这个政策,是为了团结更多的人去反对日本帝国主义,而不是说中国不要解决土地问题。
- Solving the social issues in the countryside of China, the rural land problem is the foothold, but it is a breakthrough point which solves the rural land problem and regulate the rural land law. 要想解决中国农村的社会问题,农村土地问题是一个立足点,而完善农村土地法律制度、规范农村土地法律则是解决农村土地问题的切入点。
- Both countries are large agricultural country,are faced with a large population and little arable land problems,the two countries need to strengthen cooperation to jointly cope with. 两国同是农业大国,都面临着人口多耕地少的难题,需要两国加强合作以共同应对。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- The British finally solved the Corsair's landing problems by training its pilots to fly a curved landing approach, which allowed them to keep the deck visible until just before touchdown. 英国终于解决了这个Corsair的着陆问题的训练飞行员驾驶弯曲降落的做法,使他们能够继续在甲板上看见 , 直到前阵。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。