- They carried out land reform in 1952. 他们在1952年实行了土改。
- The Party led us to carry out the land reform. 党领导我们实行了土改。
- We resolutely carried the land reform through. 我们坚决地完成了土改。
- A “breakthrough” in land reform? Or a damp squib? 土改真正“突破”?或者哑炮一颗?
- Land reform had its twists and turns. 土地改革有它的扭曲和周折。
- Since the land reform, the productive force has been developed. 土改后生产力发展了。
- In the former, land reform can proceed step by step. 在巩固区逐步进行土地改革。
- During the land reform each person got 1.3 mu of land. 土改时每人分了一亩三分地。
- Wetzel is currently chair of the Professional Land Reform Group. 维瑟先生现任英国土地改革专业委员会主任。
- They classed as poor and lower-middle peasants at the time of the land reform. 土地改革时他们被划为贫下中农。
- In many Third World regions land reform remains a prerequisite for development. 在许多第三世界国家中土地改革仍然是经济发展的一个先决条件。
- Before the land reform my family hadn't a single room or a strip of land. 土改以前,我家地无一垄。
- We had to arouse them to carry out land reform and emancipate themselves. 要把他们发动起来,搞土改闹翻身。
- The Chinese peasants are living a happy life as a result of the land reform. 由于土地改革,中国农民过着幸福生活。
- The woodcut craft in Tujia areas reached its peak after the land reform. 摘要土家族区域的木雕艺术在改土归流后形成高峰。
- In the countryside, the land reform continued at a wiser and less brutal tempo. 准备工作做得十分周到,而且并不仅限于军事方面。
- "reform Novels Translated by Lin" 林译小说
- Protecting middle-income farmers is one of the land reform policies. 保护中农是土地改革的政策之一。
- The despot and traitor was brought to public trial during the land reform and all his crimes were exposed. 土改时公审了那个恶霸兼汉奸,并揭露了其全部罪行。
- But an egalitarian land reform program alone is no guarantee of successful agricultural and rural development. 但是仅仅实行一种平均主义的土地改革方案是不能保证获得农业和农村发展的成功的。