- 日本 Japan
- 日本人 Japanese person or people
- 日本的 Japonic
- 日本人的 Nipponese
- 日本料理 Japanese cuisine
- [inf] [bank account,business+] 负债 to be in the red
- 批准HSBC Bank USA转让银行牌照予美国丰银行 Granting of the transfer of banking licence from HSBC Bank USA to HSBC Bank USA, National Association
- 批准Boram Bank转让有限制银行牌照予Hana Bank Granting of the transfer of the restricted banking licence of Boram Bank to Hana Bank
- 日本天皇 mikado
- 我们正指望他们借给我们钱呢,bank 绝无双关之意! We're banking on them lending us the money,no pun intended!
- 日本武士 samurai
- 您已创建了一个源代码文件,其中包含Bank项目的测试。 You have created a source-code file that contains tests for the Bank project.
- 日本语 Japanese
- “Woodgrove Bank”示例是可置入简单程序中的项目。 The "Woodgrove Bank" sample is a project that you can build into a simple program.
- 日本国 Japan
- 渣打亦与于1959年开始营业的伊朗不列颠银行Irano-British Bank进行合作。 The Chartered Bank also entered into a joint venture to form the Irano-British Bank which opened for business in 1959.
- 财阀在日本,由有实力的家族控制的商业联合企业 A powerful family-controlled commercial combine of Japan.
- 使您可以获取“Woodgrove Bank”示例项目,其中包含在几个演练中使用的代码。 Lets you obtain the "Woodgrove Bank" sample project, which contains code that you use in several walkthroughs.
- 日本清酒 sake