- Kobresia macrantha n. 大花嵩草
- Kobresia humilis often form "loop" genet with increasing age of clonal genet. 随着无性系株丛年龄的增大,矮嵩草常形成"环"状株丛。
- Few researches had been conducted on Kobresia meadow in Mt.Helan region.Based on investigation of sampling plots, alpine meadow in Mt. 摘要在群落调查的基础上,对贺兰山高山草甸进行数量分析。
- All of this study proved that phenological index was a good quantitative standard to show phenological pattern of alpine Kobresia humilis meadow. 研究结果表明,物候指数是说明高寒矮嵩草草甸物候模式的一个有用指标。
- I found from the Internet:the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau fit to plant Kobresia pygmaea, Carex pseudo foelide,Stipa purea, etc. 我从网上查到:青藏高原适合种植高山蒿草,无味苔草,紫花针茅等植物。
- Lonicera macrantha Spreng. 大花忍冬
- The numbers and aboveground diomass of every module of Kobresia humilis under different grazing intehsity(0, 2.4, 8 Tibetan sheep/hm2 ) were studied in Alpine Meadow. 对放牧强度分别为0、2、4、8(藏羊只/hm2)的矮嵩草无性系各构件数量和地上生物量进行了研究。
- Zhou Xingmin,Zhang Songlin.Change state of community structure and biomass in fenced area of Kobresia humilis meadows[J].Acta Biological Plateau Sinica,1986,(5):1-6. [6]周兴民;张松林.;矮嵩草草甸在封育条件下群落结构和生物量变化的初步观察[J]
- Methods Using LM and SEM to observe and compare the characters of leaf epidermis of the five species of Lonicer L. including L. japonica, L. confuse, L. hypoglauca, L. dasystyla, and L. macrantha. 方法利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察比较忍冬属5种植物(忍冬、华南忍冬、红腺忍冬、水忍冬、大花忍冬)的叶表皮特征。
- Alpine meadow of Kobresia pygmaea 高山嵩草草甸
- Gaultheria miyienensis T. Z. Tsu var. macrantha J. L. Liu et Q. Luo 大花白珠
- Alpine Kobresia parva(Nees) Wang et Tang ex Y.C.Yang meadow 高寒小嵩草草甸
- Effects of different grazing intensity on green-up of Kobresia humilis meadow 不同放牧强度对矮嵩草草甸群落返青的影响
- Classification of Kobresia fragilis C. B. Clarke(Cyperaceae) and related taxa 囊状嵩草(莎草科)及相关类群的分类
- The growth response of Kobresia humili clone on different stocking intensity 矮嵩草无性系对不同放牧强度的生长反应
- Studies on underground biomass of moderate degradation of Kobresia capillifolia grassland in Qinghai Lake area 青海湖地区中度退化线叶嵩草型草地地下植物量的研究
- Seasonal Variation in Photosynthesis of Kobresia humilis Population and Community Growth at Haibei Alpine Meadow 高寒草甸矮嵩草种群光合作用及群落生长季节变化
- Seasonal variation of antioxidants in Kobresia humilis and its relation to solar radiation in Xi'ning 矮嵩草抗氧化物质含量的季节变化及与太阳辐射的关系
- Study on Ramet Modular of Kobresia humilis clonal under Different Stocking Intensity in Alpine Meadow 不同放牧强度下高寒草甸矮嵩草无性系分株构件的研究
- Study on Underground Phytomass of Heavily Degraded Kobresia capillifolia Grassland in Qinghai Lake Area 环湖草原重度退化线叶嵩草型草地一年内地下植物量变化研究