- In 1537, Jane Seymour, the third wife of England's King Henry the Eighth, died 12 days after giving birth to Prince Edward, later King Edward the Sixth. 1537年,简西摩,英国国王亨利8世的第三任夫人,在生下爱德华王子的第12天(1537.;10
- The Second Part Of King Henry The Sixth 亨利六世中
- The Third Part Of King Henry The Sixth 亨利六世下篇
- The First Part Of King Henry The Sixth 亨利六世上篇
- What is pomp,rule,regin,but earth and dust?And,live we how we can,yet die we must. ----William Shahespeare
什么气派,权势,威风,都算得了什么?不过是挂一抔黄土罢了!不管你活得多么好,你总逃不了死亡。 - King Henry the Sixth n. 《亨利六世》;威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)著
- In 1509, England's King Henry the Eighth married Catherine of Aragon. 1509年的今天,英国国王亨利八世和西班牙阿拉贡的凯瑟琳结婚。
- On this date: In 1509, England's King Henry the Eighth married Catherine of Aragon. 1509年的今天,英国国王亨利八世和西班牙阿拉贡的凯瑟琳结婚。
- Wenceslas' unpopular submission to the German king Henry the Fowler gave rise to a conspiracy of nobles, who incited Wenceslas's brother to assassinated him(Wenceslas, St). 译文:文策斯劳斯对德国国王亨利(捕鸟者)惟命是从,令人反感,导致贵族们密谋策划,煽动其弟去刺杀他(文策斯劳斯)。
- The sixth man went forward to feel the elephant. 第六个瞎子走上前去摸大象。
- The oldest children are in the sixth form. 年龄最大的学生在六年级。
- He was counted out at the end of the sixth round. 他在第六轮被宣布为失败。
- I'm going to the fancy dress party ash King Henry, who are you going as. 我要打扮成利国王去参加化装舞会,你要打扮成谁?
- My new house is on the sixth floor. 我的新房子在六楼。
- The sixth grade saw an educational film yesterday. 六年级学生昨天看了一部教育片。
- King Henry VIII: The other Boleyn girl? 亨利八世:另一个波琳家的女孩?
- It's on the sixth floor let's take the lift. 在第六层--我们乘电梯吧。
- The ways King Henry II consolidate the monarchy. 亨利二世巩固君主制的途径。
- The Second Part Of King Henry The Fourth 亨利四世下篇
- The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth 亨利四世上篇