- 1935-1940年 1935 - 1940
- 我们总公司成立于1935。 Our parent company was founded in 1935.
- 印度政府法案(1935) Government of India Act (1935)
- 霍恩博斯特尔,E.M.von(1877-1935) Erich Moritz von Hornbostel (1877~1935)
- 简论1935-1945年日本与苏联的关系 Brief discussion on Relationship between Japan and USSR during 1935-1945
- 在1935-1948年期间,三角洲延伸42英里。 During the period from 1935-1948 the delta was extended a distance of 42 miles.
- 丁尼,吉姆生于1935以其自传绘画和物体雕刻(例如工具和浴衣)而著名的美国艺术家 American artist noted for his autobiographical paintings and sculptures of objects such as tools and bathrobes.
- 波斯特,韦雷1899-1935美国航天家,是首次单独绕地球飞行的飞行员(1933年) American manufacturer of breakfast cereals and the coffee-substitute Postum.
- 生于1935意大利男高音,其著名的歌剧角色包括里戈莱托中的曼亚诺公爵和爱达中的拉达梅斯 Italian-born tenor whose notable operatic roles include the Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto and Radames in Adam
- 麦克劳德,约翰 詹姆斯 理查德1876-1935英国心理学家,因发现胰岛素获得1923年诺贝尔奖 British physiologist.He shared a1923Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- 普莱耶,加里生于1935南非裔美籍高尔夫球手,是极少数能赢得四项高尔夫球锦标赛冠军的运动员之一 South African-born American golfer. He is one of the few athletes to have captured all four titles in the Grand Slam of golf.
- 普莱耶,加里生于1935南非裔美籍高尔夫球手,是极少数能赢得四项高尔夫球锦标赛冠军的运动员之一。 South African-born American golfer. He is one of the few athletes to have captured all four titles in the Grand Slam of golf.
- 麦克劳德,约翰·詹姆斯·理查德1876-1935英国心理学家,因发现胰岛素获得1923年诺贝尔奖 British physiologist.He shared a1923Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- 马里维奇,凯斯米尔1878-1935俄罗斯画家,对抽象艺术的发展具有很大的影响。他的作品包括白中之白(1918年) Russian painter who influenced the development of abstract art. His works include White on White(1918).
- 首演于1981年的《文成公主》是以章民新(1935--)、孙天路(1934--)、曲荫生(1932--)为首的庞大创作群体的力作。 "Princess Wencheng"and "Tongque Ji"(Bronze Sparrow Dance). "Princess Wencheng"was first performed in 1981 and collectively created by Zhang Minxin (1935- ), Sun Tianlu (1934- ), Qu Yinsheng (1932- ) and others.
- 帕瓦罗蒂,卢西亚诺生于1935意大利男高音,其著名的歌剧角色包括里戈莱托中的曼亚诺公爵和爱达中的拉达梅斯 Italian-born tenor whose notable operatic roles include the Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto and Radames in Aida.
- 容克,雨果1859-1935德国飞机设计家,成功地设计了首架金属飞机(1915年),帮助制定了早期的邮件和客运航线 German aircraft engineer who designed the first successful all-metal airplane(1915) and helped establish early mail and passenger airlines.
- 布雷斯特德,詹姆斯·亨利1865-1935美国考古学家和历史学家,在埃及有重要发现并写有许多书,包括道德的黎明(1933年) American archaeologist and historian who made important discoveries in Egypt and wrote numerous books, including Dawn of Conscience(1933).
- 哈萨姆,(腓特烈) 柴尔德1859-1935美国画家,擅于用明亮的色彩和突兀的笔触描绘城市街道的景色和自然景观,作品有波士顿的雨天(1885年) American painter who used brilliant colors and bold brushwork to depict city street scenes and natural landscapes in works such as Rainy Day in Boston(1885.
- 本文对赵元任(1935)提及的汉语方言中的十类爆发音进行声学语音学研究,对这十类音处于单音节起始位置时的VOT、强度等声学参数进行实验分析。 Ten types of plosive in Chinese dialects mentioned by Chao(1935) are studied acoustically in this paper.