- Karaite Judaism n. 犹太教圣经派
- He has converted from Catholicism to Judaism. 他已从天主教改信犹太教。
- She decided to convert from Judaism. 她决定不再信犹太教。
- The Hebrew Scriptures, the sacred book of Judaism. 犹太教《圣经》希伯来的圣经,一本犹太教的圣书
- REFORM JUDAISM: Got any Kaopectate? 犹太教改革派:兄弟,有没有泄痢停不?
- Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism. 保守犹太教的或拥护保守犹太教的
- An adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture. 犹太人在宗教或文化方面秉持犹太主义的拥护者
- He lapsed from Judaism when he was a student. 他当学生时就放弃了犹太教。
- Judaism, many modern Jews are not religious. 虽然很多人以为犹太人都信奉犹太教,但是在现今许多犹太人却不信教。
- Of or relating to Orthodox Judaism. 关于或有关正统犹太教的
- He has converted from Catholicism to Judaism . 他已从天主教改信犹太教。
- Say: "O ye that stand on Judaism! 你说:“信奉犹太教的人们啊!
- Judaism) conforming to dietary laws. (犹太教)符合饮食的规定。
- Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to us? 犹太教:为什么大粪总是闹到我们身上来?
- Judaism has several fast days, notably Yom Kippur. 犹太教一年之中有几个把斋日,特别是赎罪日。
- Judaism: Why does shit always happen to us? 犹太教:(天啦)为什么我们老是屙狗屎?
- Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism. 犹太民族是因一神教而诞生的民族。
- Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism. 反犹太主义对犹太人或犹太教思想敌视或抱有偏见
- In Hellenistic Judaism, a hypostasis associated with divine wisdom. 在希腊犹太人教中的神格之一,与神的智慧有关系
- As a Jew, Fromm rooted his thought on traditional Judaism culture. 作为一个犹太人,弗洛姆的思想深深植根于犹太教文化传统。