- Johnnie Walker Red Label n. 红方威士忌
- "JOHNNIE WALKER, SINGLE."and his companion said, "JACK DANIELS,SINGLE. 他的同伴也说,“杰克-丹尼儿,单(份)”。
- Johnnie Walker Black Label Whisky 黑牌威士忌
- Johnnie Walker Blue Label Whisky 蓝牌威士忌
- We have Black Label, Red Label, Jack Daniel and Chivas Regal 12. 有黑方、红方、杰克丹尼尔和芝华士12年。
- “Johnnie Walker ,Black Label,Please. ”我兴致勃勃。
- We have Johnnie Walker, Chivas Regal and Bourbon. Would you like any drink before dinner? 我们有苏格兰威士忌、芝华士和波本。用餐前您想来点什么?-我要一杯波本,直喝。
- We have Johnnie Walker, Chivas Regal and Bourbon. Would you like any drink before dinner? 我们有苏格兰威士忌、芝华士和波本。用餐前您想来点什么?
- It owns famous drink brands including Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff, Guinness and Baileys among others. 它旗下拥有的知名品牌包含尊尼获加、伏特加(斯米诺)、黑啤(健力士)、利口酒(百利)等。
- Soon two of the puppies start playing with an empty bottle of Johnnie Walker whisky lying in a corner of the courtyard. 很快,她的两条小狗开始玩弄躺在院子角落的一个尊尼获加威士忌的空酒瓶。
- A friendly microclimate unfurled itself from the bottle of Johnnie Walker and encouraged my imagination to emerge from its burrow. 在黑牌威士忌的瓶子里,一个可爱的小世界向我敞开心扉,怂恿我的想象从它藏身的洞中爬出来。”
- Scotland's Cohn Montgomerie won the Johnnie Walker Golfer of the Year Award for 1995 after topping the Volvo European PGA Tour Order for the third season in succession. 苏格兰球手科林·蒙哥马利连续3个赛季排名富豪欧洲职业高尔夫球巡回赛排行榜榜首后,获1995年度尊尼获加高尔夫球先生称号。
- Compatible GK baton holders: Professional Leather Swivel # 451, Professional leather Ring #460 &Red Label Ring # 9460. 可以配用的GK棍套有:451型皮质专业棍套、460型皮质专业棍套、和9460红色标签环棍套。
- The point is I saw an ad by Johnnie Walker, just on reader's feedback pages, pretty good so I'll type it on, due to original meaning they create, I don't do any translation. 重点是我看到了一则约翰走路的广告,就在读者回信那几页,因为觉得还不错所以就打上来,由于不想改变创作的原意,所以就不翻译了。
- Reporter saw the Ely pure milk on the outside wrapping is pasting a red label, writes “has been examining the melamine” the inscription. 记者看到伊利纯牛奶的外包装上贴着一个红色标签,写着“未检测出三聚氰胺”字样。
- The London-based maker of Smirnoff vodka and Johnnie Walker whisky launched Shanghai White, a new vodka, in Hong Kong with a recommended retail price of HK$470 per bottle. 帝亚吉欧总部位于伦敦,旗下产品包括斯米诺伏特加、尊尼获加威士忌等。该洋酒厂商此次在香港发布的新款伏特加名为"上海白",建议零售价为每瓶470港元。
- Where the Red Label had merely freshened the Turbo RT's engine, the RL featured an entirely reworked version of the old 6.75 L V8. 凡红标只不过逆转录劲的涡轮增压发动机,RL的特色是旧6.;75蜇V8引擎完全重写的版本。
- THE Australian Cricketers'Association and Johnnie Walker have announced an exciting partnership to present the inaugural Johnnie Walker ACA All Star Teams at the conclusion of the 2006-2007 domestic season. 澳大利亚板球协会情愁沃克伙伴目前已公布一项令人振奋的就职情愁沃克爱滋病明星队在结束了2006-2007国内季节。
- Ben Anderson, Marketing Director, Johnnie Walker outlined that "Diageo and Vodafone McLaren Mercedes have agreed the terms of an extended sponsorship of the team by Johnnie Walker. 新的协议将持续到2012年赛季结束,新协议中增加了对迈凯轮车队的财政支援。
- Vivienne Westwood Red Label... 尖的针织帽。