- Japetella diaphana n. 乍波蛸
- When we draw back to the shore, the shore has set up a number of food stalls, diaphana of corn, a string of carp, mutton on the fence creaked. 当我们划回岸边时,岸上已搭起了好些小吃摊,鲜黄的玉米,一串串的鲫鱼,羊肉在铁丝网上吱吱作响。
- Berberis diaphana Maxim. 歪头小檗
- Japetella n. 乍波蛸属
- Hermonassa diaphana n. 通狭翅夜蛾
- Impatiens diaphana n. 透明凤仙花
- Dichochrysa diaphana n. 亮叉草蛉
- Rhipilia diaphana 扇形藻
- Berberis diaphana n. 鲜黄小檗