- You can' t do it without telling him ; it just isn' t cricket. 你不能不告诉他一声就做那件事; 这不够光明磊落.
- It just started raining. So much for your picnic this afternoon. 正好下雨了,你今天下午的野餐就到此为止吧。
- There are so many parts of Paris that are sort of alluded to in guidebooks, but as a first time visitor, there just isn’t time to hit everything. 在旅行指南中多少有提到些巴黎的旅游胜地,但是作为一个第一次来到巴黎的旅游者,你没有时间逛完所有地方。
- So Perlin Noise it just a function. 所以柏林函数只是一个函数。
- Don't get angry, I said it just in fun. 别生气,我只是说着玩的。
- Executing two programs on one computer just isn''''t fully asynchronous. 注意,在一台机器上运行两个串口应用程序,并不是完全异步的。
- The students get with it just before examinations. 快到考试了,学生们才临时抱拂脚。
- If so,wouldn't it just be more honest to say that?. 如果这样,直截了当地说不是更诚实吗?
- Well I know, I normally review only SFX movies and cartoons so you may argue that I got bored because this movie just isn’t my kind of movie.Yeah maybe.My love got bored too, though. 回到家,我立即给中国大使馆写了一封邮件询问,有点欣慰的,半个小时就得到了回复:在香港过境回大陆的话七天内不用签证,但是特意从新加坡去而且直接回新加坡的就要办入港许可。
- As a matter of fact, i'm...t so optimistic about it. 事实上,我对此并不乐观。
- It just so happened they'd been invited too. 他们碰巧也获得邀请。
- Sometimes you're so beautiful it just gags me. 有时候你确实很漂亮,但那只能让我觉得恶心。
- It isn’t so much that they want to cram frequently used commands into their heads, as much as it is unavoidable. 并不是他们主动想将所有经常使用的命令记在脑子里,但是,这却不可避免的发生了。
- I didn't tear out the page. It just came away in my fingers. 我没有撕掉这页,它刚好在我手里脱落了。
- PECOS BILL: It's just so crazy it just might work. 简直太疯狂了,但是这也许行!
- For many animals, the sex of an individual is dictated solely by its chromosomes.But for small alpine lizards, gender isn’t so cut-and-dried. 对很多种动物而言,个体的性别完全由它的染色体决定,但对小小的阿尔卑斯蜥蜴来说,决定性别的方式就与众不同多了。
- Some mistakenly think that becoming infected with HIV “isn’t so bad anymore”, because with the new treatments they can survive for many years. 一些人错误地以为感染上HIV“不再是如此地糟糕了”,因为随著新的治疗手段的出现,他们能够生存许多年。
- The pie has already been cooked it just needs heating up. 馅饼是熟的--只需热热就可以了。
- How did he make the Model T so inexpensive? 他怎么能做出型号T这么便宜的车子呢?
- It just wasn't my day yesterday. 昨天我真倒霉。