- Isn’t that a little 13)dopey to think that, Jacob? 想岂不是有点笨吗,雅各?
- You may want to say, “What do you mean by ‘the self is vast’ Isn’t that just spiritual claptrap? 你或许想说,“你所说的‘自我是巨大的’不会只是精神上的一句空话吧?”
- Your client will appreciate your candor and honesty, even if he or she isn’t that happy about the problem itself. 客户只想要实用的设计,而且在给自己老板展示时颇觉得意。
- A: I hope not. It i 't that busy. 希望不会。这儿不是那么忙。
- "Yeah, right. It i 't that easy." I protested. “是的,不错。可并不那么容易呀。”我表示异议。
- Won’t that lessen the excitement though? 不过 这样兴奋感不就会减少吗?
- "Yeah, right. It i 't that easy." I protested. “是的,不错。可并不那么容易呀。”我表示异议。
- He stretched himself and was thinking about the wonderful events that took place on that extraordinary day. 他伸伸懒腰并开始在心里想着那是多么特别的天,那是多么美妙的事情。
- There isn’t that gremlin in the back of your mind thinking about online adventures. 你的心思的背后的疑虑不会考虑网上的危险。
- Focusing on your family will help you realize that your job, in the grand scheme of things, isn’t that important. 重视你的家庭会帮你了解到你的工作,虽然有重大的一系列的计划,也不是那么重要了。
- She seemed to emerge from a good girl image to a sassy one - isn’t that a familiar pop path? 她从一个姣好的女生形象变得时髦起来,不再走邻家女孩的路线了。
- It is not being perceptive. If you want to know about widgets once, isn’t that a good clue that you probably will want to know about widgets again? 如果你想知道小部件的数量,它却不能成为一个有用的信息,因为你要不断了解小部件的数量。
- Yes, little old me, threw my best friend a birthday party;playing the dutiful friend, romance was far from my head, but isn’t that always the way? 是的;古板的我为我最要好的朋友举办生日派对;尽做朋友之责.;罗曼蒂克离我遥远了
- The point isn’t that private property is a bad thing, or that the state should be able to run roughshod over the rights of individual owners. 并不是说资产私有是件坏事,也不是说政府就可以对私有者的权益任意践踏。
- Dunking wasn‘t that important in China, so I didn't worry about it. 在中国灌篮不是那么重要,所以不必担心。
- And we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echo-location in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role. 我们只要看一看蝙蝠回声定位这一极不寻常的发现,就可以探究一下声音在什么情况下有绝对的实用价值。
- Test results indicated that extraordinary linearity and low phase noise were achieved, and the DRO can be used for microwave phase-locked loops. 测试结果表明 ,此振荡器具有非常好的线性度和很低的相位噪声 ,可以为微波锁相环路提供高品质的 DRO。
- But however you organise your work it’s still of highest priority to find the most important tasks so you don’t spend days, weeks or months doing busywork that isn’t that essential anyway. 我发现这种向导型调整十分有效。
- Christina: Fifty percent! That?s a lot, isn?t it? 克里斯蒂娜:百分之50!太多了,是不是?
- Mr Grimes: That is John Smith, isn’t it? 格雷厄姆.;特纳:你是约翰