- 1912-1937年 1912 - 1937
- 中华民国时期信用体系(1912-1949) financial system in China (1912~1949)
- 东南亚华侨民族主义发展研究(1912-1928) A Perspective to the Development of Overseas Chinese Nationalism (1912-1928)
- 巴尔干战争(1912)的主要战役;保加利亚武装战胜特克家族。 the principal battle of the Balkan Wars (1912); Bulgarian forces defeated the Turks.
- Camns (1912),它过去长时期被误置于箬竹属(Indocalamus Nakai,1925)之中。 Camus (1912) and has been erroneously placed in the genus Indocalamus Nakai (1925) for a long time.
- 在大正时期1912-1926,城市工作人口的数量增加了,城市居民的生活消费比重提高。 During the Taisho era 1912-1926, the number of people working in cities increased, and an increasing proportion of citizens began to lead consumer lifestyles.
- 多丽丝·莱辛(1912-)是英国当代一位才华横溢且创作风格多变的女小说家。 Doris (May) Lessing is one of the most widely recognized and most favored contemporary woman novelist.
- 巴顿,克拉拉1821-1912美国行政官员,在国内战争时从事战地救济工作,并于1881年创办了美国红十字会 American administrator who did battlefield relief work during the Civil War and organized the American Red Cross(1881).
- 波洛克,杰克逊1912-1956美国艺术家。因运用他的“滴画法”而成为美国抽象主义的先驱 American artist. Using his drip technique of painting, he became a leader of abstract expressionism in America.
- 民族主义运动的巴尔干战争(1912-1913和1913年)及第一次世界大战后签订的协议形成了目前各国的分界限 "Nationalist movements, the Balkan Wars (1912-1913 and 1913), and treaties signed after World War I led to the present country boundaries."
- 冯. 布劳恩(Wernher von Braun,1912-1977)是20世纪液体燃料火箭技术和宇航工程的开创者和奠基人。 Wernher von Braun(1912-1977) was a romantic person in the field of rocket.
- 摘要1912-1922年间,杜亚泉为代表的知识分子群体以《东方杂志》为舞台,集中地表达了他们的民族主义思想。 This article takes the focus on the intellectual community of "The Eastern Miscellany" in which Du Yaquan is as representative and takes 1912-1922, the first decade of the Republic of China as the research time interval.
- 进步运动在Urdu小说得势在Sajjad Zaheer 1905-1976,Ahmed阿里1912-1994,Mahmood-uz-Zafar 1908-1994并且Rasheed Jahan 1905-1952之下。 The Progressive Movement in Urdu fiction gained momentum under Sajjad Zaheer 1905-1976 CE, Ahmed Ali 1912-1994 CE, Mahmood-uz- Zafar 1908-1994 CE and Rasheed Jahan 1905-1952 CE.
- 伯纳姆,丹尼尔 哈得孙1846-1912美国建筑师和城市规划大师。其作品主要在芝加哥,包括哥伦比亚博览会工程(1893年)和几个早期摩天大楼的设计 American architect and city planner. He did his major work in Chicago, including the general design for the Columbian Exposition(1893) and several early skyscrapers.
- 凯奇,小约翰·米尔顿生于1912创作前卫派作品的美国作曲家,如奏鸣曲和间奏曲为琴弦被木料和金属损坏了的钢琴(1946年到1948年)而作 American composer of avant-garde works, such as Sonatas and Interludes for a piano with its strings damped by wood and metal(1946-1948).
- 伯纳姆,丹尼尔·哈得孙1846-1912美国建筑师和城市规划大师。其作品主要在芝加哥,包括哥伦比亚博览会工程(1893年)和几个早期摩天大楼的设计。 American architect and city planner. He did his major work in Chicago,including the general design for the Columbian Exposition(1893) and several early skyscrapers.
- 奇弗,约翰1912-1982美国作家,他的短篇小说和长篇小说以充满幽默和热情的笔调描绘了美国郊区的生活。他因约翰·奇弗小说集于1978年获普利策奖。 American writer who depicted life in American suburbs with humor and compassion in his short stories and novels. He won a Pulitzer Prize for The Stories of John Cheever(1978).
- 奇弗,约翰1912-1982美国作家,他的短篇小说和长篇小说以充满幽默和热情的笔调描绘了美国郊区的生活。他因约翰·奇弗小说集于1978年获普利策奖 American writer who depicted life in American suburbs with humor and compassion in his short stories and novels. He won a Pulitzer Prize for The Stories of John Cheever(1978).