- How can people make a living in this arid area? 这片不毛之地上的人们怎么谋生呢?
- Irrigated arid area 干旱灌区
- Eke a bare existence from farming in an arid area. 在贫瘠的地区耕作以勉强度日
- Situating in the arid area with fragile eco-environment, Yutian Oasis is the poverty region emphasizing irrigated farming. 摘要新疆于田绿洲地处干旱内陆区,生态环境脆弱,是一个以灌溉农业生产为主的经济落后地区。
- Soil salinization damaged ecosystem seriously,so it is necessary to study the arid area salinization. 准确提取盐渍化信息对土壤盐渍化监测和研究盐渍化动态变化具有重要意义。
- Key words: ecological circle; arid area; lake; hydrochemical property; wind-eroded lake. 作者简介:胡汝骥(1935-),男,陕西韩城市人,研究员,主要从事干旱区资源与环境研究
- The next battle will be rehabilitating more arid areas of China. 下一场战役是恢复中国更干旱的地区。
- In more arid area, man probably watched wild horses, wolves, and other animals dig for water and followed their example. 在较干旱地区,人类大概是看到野马、狼和其它动物发掘地下水,从而受到启发而学习它们的作法。
- The typical arid area in Northwest China covers about 25% of the whol e territory, mostly desert and gravel plain known as Gobi. 我国西北干旱区土地总面积约占国土总面积的25%25,大部分被戈壁,沙漠所覆盖;近几十年来沙漠化扩大的速度愈来愈快,形势严峻。
- In extensive arid area, grassplot also has the advantages such as easy to cultivate, easy to survive, low cost, short cycle and quick act. 在广大干旱地区,还具有易种植、易成活、成本低、周期短、见效快的优势。
- Its flocculus opposite, plunge into below main root to 20 meters deep, can be in year of rainfall arid area grows under 300 millimeter. 其小叶对生, 主根下扎至20米深, 可在年降雨量300毫 米以下干旱地区生 长。
- This paper puts forward an optimal design method for designing standards of irrigation pivot engineering in the inland arid area on theb asis of the system analysis theory. 本文根据系统分析的理论,提出一种内陆干旱区灌溉枢纽工程设计标准优化设计方法。
- Sorghum, cultivated in the arid area along the west coastal line of Taiwan, Chinmen and Lienchiang counties, is used to prevent from land erosion due to strong wind. 中文摘要高梁生长在台湾西部靠海的平原,以及金门与连江县地区等含盐强风的地方,种植高梁能避免土壤被海风侵蚀,不会与其它的粮食作物争地。
- The effect of soil-water environment under blackish water irrigation in arid area is predicted by using the visual MODFLOW model combining with SWAP model. 摘要本文运用MODFLOW及SWAP模型对微咸水灌溉的水-土环境效应进行了预测。
- The rural water-supply project in eastern Guyuan is one of key projects in arid area in the middle part of Ningxia as well as one of typical projects of Ningxia. 摘要固原东部农村饮水安全供水工程是宁夏中部干旱带农村饮水安全重点工程之一,也是典型工程之一。
- Abstract: In the paper, by integrative using GIS and Geostatistics, we analyzed the special distribution characteristic of groundwater downrange in arid area. 文章摘要: 基于GIS和地理统计学的理论、方法对所取观测井地下水位降幅数据进行空间分布特征分析。
- Acrylate polymerizes in situ among the layers of Bentonite,and the mineral-polymer composite is an ideal water-keeping resin that can be used in the arid area. 利用丙烯酸盐在蒙脱石层间进行原位聚合,研究开发一种适用于农林业的抗旱保水剂。
- Making a field comparative test on forestation livin g rate of locust in arid area by using plastic film, Genbao, root-growing dust, wa ter-keeping agent. 采用农膜、根宝、生根粉、保水剂在干旱地区对刺槐造林成活率进行了田间对比试验。
- According to natural resource character in arid area of south Ningxia Hui Autono mous Region, the present condition of animal husband ry development is analyzed. 依据宁南旱区的自然资源特点,通过对宁南旱区畜牧业现状的深入分析,提出了在西部开发中宁南旱区畜牧业发展战略:退耕还草,改善生态环境;
- According to the analysis of the 22 years economic and environmental data of Urumqi, this paper studied the EKC characters of the big and typical inland arid area cities. 摘要通过对乌鲁木齐市22年环境经济数据的相关分析、显著性检验和回归分析,研究了典型内陆干旱区特大城市EKC特征。