- In most cases, these natural, untreated diamonds had weak to moderate fluorescence spectra, whereas two greenish yellow irradiated samples showed strong to very strong spectra. 大部分情况下,这些天然的、未处理的钻石有微弱到中等强度的荧光光谱,而两颗绿黄色辐照样品显示了强到很强的光谱。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- By parcel post our samples were sent. 我们的样品是通过邮包寄送的。
- Our quality is based solely on our sales samples. 我们的质量完全以货样为准。
- Samples are furnished on demand. 一经要求,即供样品。
- There are many admiral samples in the collection. 这部集子里有许多花蝶标本。
- Irradiation samples 辐照样品
- On display are more than40,000 samples of export commodities. 陈列的出口商品的样品共四万多种。
- Receiving your samples, we have shown them to their buyers. 贵公司的样品已收到,现已转给用户。
- Irradiation can also sterilizemeat. 辐射还能对肉类进行消毒。
- We are sending out samples in the hope of gaining comments. 我们正在寄送样品,以期徵求意见。
- Do you know what is food irradiation technology? 知不知道什麽是食品辐射照射技术?
- These TV sets do not assort with the samples. 这些电视机与样品不符。
- Do you think you can send us some samples? 你看你能寄给我们一些样品吗?
- Samples of urine and blood are taken and analyzed. 对尿样和血样进行分析化验。
- The mechanism of infrared irradiation function is invesitgated. 探讨了红外辐射对机体的作用机制。
- We write to remind you to send us your samples. 我们来信是为了提醒你们把货样寄来。
- Other causes of poor healing include previous irradiation. 不良愈合的其它原因包括以往的放射治疗。
- These buttons do not assort with the samples. 这些纽扣与样品不符。
- Samples are presented free in the company. 本公司样品免费赠送。