- He predicated rationality of man. 他断言人是有理性的。
- We'll have to ration out the water. 我们得将水按定额配给。
- They had to ration petrol during the war. 战时他们不得不限量供给汽油。
- Initiation rationality 启蒙理性
- Have you used your ration of petrol for this week? 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?
- We predicate rationality of man. 我们断言理性是人类的属性。
- One who prepares candidates for initiation into a mystery cult. 引人入秘教者为加入神秘教会的教徒准备候选人的人
- The government had to ration petrol during the war. 政府不得不在战争期间定量供应汽油。
- You are to tell NO-ONE about this initiation. “你要对这次入会仪式一字不提。
- What was his initiation going to be like? 那个邀请究竟是怎么一回事呢?
- Will Rationality Become the Killer of Human? 理性将成为人类的杀手?
- Why do you see the Light at the time of initiation? 印心的时候为什么你们看到光?
- He believed that rationality had triumphed. 他认为理性终究占了上风。
- Was that part of your initiation? 这是你加入仪式的一部分吗?
- When food is ration people have to queue for bread. 当食物定量配给时,人们只好排队买面包。
- Track initiation algorithm based on th. 修正的逻辑航迹起始算法。
- Material Quality and Crack Initiation. 原料质量、及初始裂纹的寿命。
- Please come here quickly and give me initiation! 请快快来为我印心吧!
- Desire, initiation of life fancy. 欲望,引发生活想象。
- Free judgment has its rationality and necessity. 处罚自由裁量权,其存在有其必要的合理性及必要性。