- Infrared Data port 红外数据端口
- IrDA Infrared Data Association standard. 红外数据相关标准。
- Data is downloaded directly to the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) port in your laptop or personal computer.No connector cables required! 数据直接通过红外数据串行口下载到手提电脑或个人电脑中,无须数据线。
- Not enough port resource was available to allocate to the read data port. 可用端口资源不足,无法分派给读取数据端口。
- Finally, the server sends back an ACK in step 4 to the client's data port. 最后服务器在第4步中给客户端的数据端口端返回一个"ACK"。
- Miniature sized infrared data communications module that permits surface mounting. 拥有小巧体积设计的红外线通讯模组很适合使用在表面黏著的技术上.
- You must use the top rs - 232 ( serial ) data port on the system for connection to the pc . 你必须使用系统最上面的rs-232(串行)数据端口来连接到PC
- In these images, Chandra's X-ray data are shown in blue, while green and red are optical and infrared data from Hubble. 在这些图象中,钱德拉的X射线数据用蓝色表示,而绿色和红色分别表示哈勃的可见光与红外数据。
- In passive mode, the client initializes the connections for both the command port and the data port. 在被动模式中,客户端初始化连接以打开命令端口和数据端口。
- The server then initializes a connection back to the client to open the data port. 然后服务器初始化到客户端的连接以打开数据端口。
- IrDA defines a protocol suite designed to support point-to-point infrared data transmission between two wireless devices over a short range. IrDA定义了一个协议套件,旨在支持短程内两个无线设备之间的点对点红外数据传输。
- You must use the top RS-232( serial) data port on the system for connection to the PC. 你必须使用系统最上面的RS-232(串行)数据端口来连接到PC。
- FireWire is a high-speed data port offered on most Apple and Sony Corp. equipment. FireWire是一种在苹果公司和索尼公司的多数设备上都配备的高速数据端口。
- In 1993,In order to setup a uniform infrared communication standard,over twenty firms ,include HP,COMPAQ,INTEL,setup up INFRARED DATA ASSOCIATION. 为了建立一个统一的红外数据通讯的标准,1993年,由HP、COMPAQ、INTEL等二十多家公司发起成立了红外数据协会。
- This is the strangest data port I've ever seen. It came out at the base of the Hawaii themed lamp. 这是我见过最奇怪的宽带端口了,它是从夏威夷风格的台灯底座牵出来的。
- Most of the heavy rain rates are occurred with convective clouds in Taiwan area, so GMS infrared data have some relations with rainfall rate. GMS资料在台湾地区的豪大雨可以有比较好的相关性,因为降雨类型多属于热带性对流云。
- The.NET Compact Framework provides Infrared Data Association (IrDA) classes for making infrared connections and Web listening classes for servicing HTTP requests to the device. . NET Compact Framework提供了用于建立红外连接的“红外数据协会”(IrDA)类;以及用于为设备的HTTP请求提供服务的Web侦听类。
- GMS infrared data are widely used on precipitation study in Taiwan Area for a long period.Based on the cloud top brightness temperature, rainfall rates are estimated routinely. 摘要由GMS红外线资料来分析台湾地区降雨时云层的亮度温度,可以大略分析出降雨时云顶的温度分布。
- Most PC's don't have any special hardware or software protection to prevent prying eyes from accessing your data port, and from there, invading your computer while you're online. 个人电脑是透过通讯埠来连结广大的网际网路的。不幸的是,不是所有的埠都是单向的。它们就像是虚拟的门,除非你把它们都锁好,否则任何有心人士都可经由这些门来入侵你的电脑。
- According to the Associated Press, data from Rosetta’s working camera was being processed in Southern Germany, while further infrared data collected by the probe was being analyzed in Rome. 据美联社报道,罗塞塔号正常的照相机传回的数据正在德国南部进行处理,而该探测器传回的远红外线数据则在罗马进行分析 .