- The long haulage and large tonnage are the present characteristics of the industrial explosive materials transportation,and there are some problems in the transportation management. 针对现阶段民爆产品多涉及异地运输,长距离、大吨位的状况,民爆产品运输安全管理方法暴露出诸多弊端,已不能完全适应新形式的需要。
- industrial explosive materials enterprise 民爆器材生产企业
- Talking about How the Enterprises of Industrial Explosive Materials Build a Administrative System of Safety and Healthy 浅谈民爆企业如何建立职业安全健康管理体系
- An Analysis of Importance of Cp Value in the Production of Industrial Explosive Materials 对民爆器材生产中Cp值重要性的分析
- A Combination of Enterprises with Universities and Research Institutions Promotes the Development of the Industrial Explosive Materials Enterprises 以产学研相结合方式促进民爆器材产业发展
- Prompting Action of Building the Quality, Environment, Occupational Heal and Safety Multipurpose Administrative System to the Industrial Explosive Materials Enterprise 建立质量·环境·职业健康安全综合管理体系对民爆企业的推进作用
- Industrial explosive materials 民爆器材
- Don't use tool in presence of flam marble and explosive materials. 不要在易燃、易爆的地方使用工具。
- Establishment and Evolvement of the System for Industrial Explosive Material Market 民用爆破器材市场的制度形成与演变
- It's dangerous to place the explosive materials near the kitchen. 把易爆物品放在厨房附近是危险的。
- It's dangerous to smoke when handling explosive materials. 在处理易爆物时,吸烟是危险的。
- Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials. "在处理易爆物时,严格禁止吸烟。"
- The enemies of the general sent him a box filled with explosive material, but he set the suspicious box by. 敌人给将军送来一个装满炸药的盒子,但是将军把那个可疑的盒子搁在了一边。
- Industrial explosive material 民爆器材
- Expanded Ammonium Nitrate is widely used as oxidizer of industrial explosive in recent years. 膨化硝酸铵是近年来得到广泛使用的工业炸药氧化剂。
- The power plant is the key unit of firefighting which is involved in inflammable and explosive materials,high accident rate and great losses. 发电厂到处都是易燃易爆物品,火灾事故发生率高,损失大,是防火重点单位。
- It presents a proposal about the safe management of industrial explosive equipment in our country.The establishment of systemic equipment management system is suggested. 文章对我国民爆行业设备安全管理提出了建议,建议行业制定系统的设备管理制度。
- Inert gas can be used as media for milling of flam mable and explosive materials. 5对易燃,易爆,易氧化物料可用惰性气体作工质粉碎。
- I work for the Lehe chemical company which produces industrial explosives. 我工作的单位叫乐呵化工公司,生产工业炸药。
- It is with the high voltage that the lamp starts keep it away from combustibles and explosive materials lest the fire happens. 点灯用的电压是高电压,应远离易燃易爆的物品,以免产生火灾。