- Indigofera trifoliata n. 三叶木蓝
- Akebia trifoliata Koidz. var. australis Rchd. [医] 白木通
- Indigofera pseudotinctoria Mats. 马棘
- Akebia trifoliata Koidz.var.australis Rehd. 白木通
- Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.) Koidz. 三叶木通
- Akebia trifoliata(Thunb. ) Koidz. 三叶木通
- Indigofera pedicellata Wight & Arn., a new record for Taiwan. 台湾豆科之一新纪录植物(长梗木兰).
- A new variety of Indigofera kirilowii in north-eastern China. 中国东北花木蓝一新变种.
- Akebia trifoliata(Thunb.)Koidz.var.australis(Diels)Rehd. 白木通
- A further study on the correlations of variance and taxonomic ranks between taxa of Indigofera decora. 论庭麻种综内分类群间的变异相关性与分类地位.
- The chromosomes in root tip cells of Trifoliate orange( Poncirus trifoliata Raf. 用酶解法观察了枳和宜昌橙根尖细胞的染色体。
- On the correlations of variation pattern between taxa of Indigofera decora complex. 庭藤种综内分类群间变异式样的相关性.
- Plant Regeneration from Agobacterium-mediated CTV-cp Gene Transformation of Poncirus trifoliata Raf. 农杆菌介导转化法构建转CTV-cp的枳壳植株。
- Objective By distinguishing Radix sophorae subprostrata and Radix indigofera kirilowii maxim to prevent us from misusing them. 目的通过对山豆根与花木蓝根的区别比较,防止两者混用、误用。
- A perennial herb(Menyanthes trifoliata) native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white, pink, or purplish flowers. 睡菜一种一年生草本植物(睡菜睡菜属),原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和白色、粉红、紫色花束
- A perennial herb(Menyanthes trifoliata)native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white,pink,or purplish flowers. 睡菜一种一年生草本植物(睡菜睡菜属),原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和白色、粉红、紫色花束
- Any of various shrubs or herbs of the genus Indigofera in the pea family,having odd-pinnate leaves and usually red or purple flowers in axillary racemes. 木蓝,一种豆科木蓝属植物中的灌木或草本植物,具有单生羽状叶,通常开红色或紫色花,聚生成总状花序。
- Definition: Akebia Stem is the climbing stem of Akebia quinata Decaisne or Akebia Trifoliata Koidzumi (Lardizabalaceae), usually cut transversely. 本品为木通科植物木通 Akebia quinata Decaisne 或三叶木通 Akebia Trifoliata Koidzumi 的藤茎,通常切成横段。
- Any of various shrubs or herbs of the genus Indigofera in the peafamily, having odd - pinnate leaves and usually red or purple flowers in axillary racemes. 木蓝一种豆科木蓝属植物中的灌木或草本植物,具有单生羽状叶,通常开红色或紫色花,聚生成总状花序。
- All of which offered the important morphological foundation for the collection and the choice of excellent germplasm of Akebia trifoliata. 为三叶木通种质资源的收集整理以及优良种质的选育提供了重要的形态学依据。