- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。
- Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum. 这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。
- She was chosen to play the heroine in this film. 她被选定在这部影片中扮演女主角。
- I don't want to go out in this gusty day. 这样的阵风天里我不想出门。
- They don't want to take a hand in this matter. 他们不想参与这事。
- She is crazy to go out in this weather. 她简直疯了,这种天气还到外面去。
- Visiting time in this hospital is from 4 to 6. 这家医院的探望时间是从4点到6点。
- In this contest you were next to Mr Stevenson. 在这次比赛中你仅次于史蒂文森先生。
- My experience in this matter is parallel to yours. 在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- There's no short cut to take in this problem. 在这个问题上没有捷径可走。
- It is too dark in this room for me to read a book. 房间太暗,使我无法看书。
- All the land belongs to the state in this country. 在这个国家土地全属国有。
- We would like to hear your angle in this dispute. 我们想听听你在这场争论中的观点。
- You will be lucky to have doublets in this game. 在这个游戏中掷出同点骰子是好运气。
- The pilot had to fly blind in this weather. 在这种天气飞行员只好盲目飞行。
- It's completely insane to fly in this weather. 只有十足的疯子才会在这种天气飞行。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。