- Ilema eurydice n. 苔棕毒蛾
- One of the most popular is a story about Orpheus and Eurydice. 其中最广为流传的便是奥菲斯与尤丽黛丝的故事。
- Eurydice looks a little bit plump with baby fat on face! 油丽底斯好象有点胖了!
- One day, his wife, Eurydice, was bitten to death by vipers. 可是有一天,他的妻子,欧律狄克,被蝰蛇毒死了。
- Hades was so touched by the music that he decided to let Eurydice go. 黑德斯由于受到音乐的感动,于是决定释放尤丽黛丝。
- In addition, Hermes brought Eurydice back to Hades after Orpheus looked back towards his wife for a second time. 此外,赫密士在欧律狄刻回首去望妻子第二眼的时候,把欧律狄刻带到地狱,与俄耳甫斯相一致。
- When he found Eurydice, he realized that Hades, the god of the underworld, refused to let her go. 当他找到尤丽黛丝,他了解到冥王黑德斯并不会将她释放。
- The daughter of Eurydice and Acrisius and mother of Perseus who was imprisoned by her father in a bronze chamber. 达那厄:欧律狄刻和阿克瑞斯的女儿,珀尔修斯的母亲,被其父亲监禁在一青铜密室中。
- So it was that Hades' heart was softened and he allowed Eurydice to leave on one condition that Orpheus would walk in front and never look back. 哈迪斯怜悯之情油然而生,他答应欧律狄克可以离开,只要俄耳甫斯领她走出地府之前决不能回头。
- A legendary Thracian poet and musician whose music had the power to move even inanimate objects and who almost succeeded in rescuing his wife Eurydice from Hades. 奥菲士传说中色雷斯诗人和音乐家,他的音乐的力量甚至可以打动没有生命的物体,他差一点将他妻子欧瑞狄柯从地狱中成功救出。
- (Greek mythology) a great musician; when his wife Eurydice died he went to Hades to get her back but failed. (希腊神话)伟大的音乐家;当他妻子欧律荻斯死后前往冥界索回但是失败。
- (Greek mythology) a great musician; when his wife Eurydice died he went to Hades to get her back but failed (希腊神话)伟大的音乐家;当他妻子欧律荻斯死后前往冥界索回但是失败
- Ilema n. 棕毒蛾属
- Ilema psolobalia n. 锦棕毒蛾
- Ilema argentimarginata n. 银缘棕毒蛾
- Ilema acerosa n. 针棕毒蛾
- Ilema badia n. 栗棕毒蛾
- Ilema furfuracea n. 麸棕毒蛾
- Ilema glandacea n. 黄棕毒蛾
- Ilema inclusa n. 可棕毒蛾