- 写社会政治剧的挪威作家(1828-1906) a Norwegian author who wrote plays on social and political themes (1828-1906)
- 成都市1906名中老年妇女对绝经的认知和接受性 Understanding and Perception of the Menopause Among 1906 cases of Over Middle-aged Women in Chengdu
- (见《生活对我的意义》,载于《世界主义》杂志,1906) (WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME, THE COS- MOPOLITAN, 1906)
- 生于爱尔兰生活在法国的作家;写了戏剧《荒谬的剧院》(1906-1989)。 an author born in Ireland who lived in France; wrote plays for the Theater of the Absurd (1906-1989).
- 贝特,汉斯·阿尔布雷希生于1906德裔美籍物理学家。因其对恒星能量产生的研究而获1967年诺贝尔奖 German-born American physicist. He won a1967 Nobel Prize for research on the energy production of stars.
- 汤博,克莱德 威廉生于1906美国天文学家,他于1930年发现了冥王星 American astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto(1930).
- 吴晓邦(1906--1995)是20世纪中国新舞蹈艺术的开拓者,播火人。 Wu Xiaobang (1906-1995) was a pioneer and seed sower of modern Chinese dances.
- 意大利诗人,被看作是现代意大利民族诗人,曾获1906年度诺贝尔文学奖 Italian poet considered the national poet of modern Italy. He won the1906 Nobel Prize for literature
- 英国的塞巴斯蒂安成为1906 年以来 1500 米赛跑项目的首位蝉联冠军。 Sebastian of Britain became the first repeat winner of the 1,500 meters since 1906.
- 汤博,克莱德·威廉生于1906美国天文学家,他于1930年发现了冥王星 American astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto(1930).
- 列昂捷夫,瓦斯利生于1906俄裔美籍经济学家。因其策划经济学分析的投入一产出技巧而获1973年的诺贝尔奖 Russian-born American economist. He won a1973 Nobel Prize for devising the input-output technique of economic analysis.
- 梅特兰,弗雷德里克 威廉1850-1906英国法学家和历史学家,以其众多记述英国法律历史的著作而著称 British jurist and historian noted for his many works on the history of English law.
- 卡尔杜齐,吉奥苏1835-1907意大利诗人,被看作是现代意大利民族诗人,曾获1906年度诺贝尔文学奖 Italian poet considered the national poet of modern Italy. He won the1906 Nobel Prize for literature.
- 列昂捷夫,瓦斯利生于1906俄裔美籍经济学家。因其策划经济学分析的投入一产出技巧而获1973年的诺贝尔奖 Russian-born American economist. He won a1973 Nobel Prize for devising the input-output technique of economic analysis.
- 玻尔兹曼,路德维希1844-1906奥地利物理学家。被认为是现代物理学的奠基人,他发展了气体力学理论 Austrian physicist. Considered a founder of modern physics,he developed the kinetic theory of gases.
- canadensis Dondale et Redner,1981二者均为前凹水狼蛛P. procuruus(Bos.et Str,1906)新的同物异名。 , 1978, and Pirata canadensisDondale et Redner, 1981 ara both a new synonym of Pirata procuruus (Bos. etStr., 1906).
- 梅特兰,弗雷德里克·威廉1850-1906英国法学家和历史学家,以其众多记述英国法律历史的著作而著称 British jurist and historian noted for his many works on the history of English law.
- 异稻瘟净、扫氟特和丁草胺对白背飞虱雌成虫 24h的LC(50)分别是643.55 mg/L,1906.00 mg/L和 12 390.16mg/L。 The LC_(50)(24h after spraying)of chemical, IBP, pretilachlor and butachlor on WBPH female adults were 643.55mg/L, 1906.00 mg/L and 12390.16 mg/L, respectively.
- 克列孟梭:法国政治家,曾任总理(1906-1909年及1917-1920年),在《凡尔赛条约》(1919年)的谈判中曾起过关键性的作用. Clemenceau:French politician who served as premier (1906-1909 and 1917-1920) and played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles (1919).
- 佩奇,莱罗伊·罗伯特1906-1982美国棒球运动员,当他加入克里夫兰印第安队时(1948年)他成为美国联盟中第一个黑人投球手 American baseball player who became the first Black pitcher in the American League when he joined the Cleveland Indians(1948).