- Idiopathic corneal edema 特发性角膜水肿
- Beside, main implications were corneal edema and posterior capsula opacity PCO. 并发症主要有角膜水肿、后囊混浊。
- Prolonged corneal edema in the setting of amantadine use can be irreversible. 金刚烷胺必须考虑为一种可能病因。
- Post-operative complications is corneal edema,no bullous keratitis occur. 结论 本组病例疗效满意,无严重并发症发生。
- Methods Seven cases of acute idiopathic corneal endotheliitis were analyzed retrospectively.The processes and the features of the disease were recorded in detail. 方法通过7例急性特发性角膜内皮炎患者临床资料的回顾分析,详细记录其发病经过和发病特征。
- There are corneal edema, iritis and soon. posterior capsular opacification is themajor cause of eyesight reduction. 后囊浑浊是造成视力下降的主要因素。
- Objective To deepen the understanding of acute idiopathic corneal endotheliitis,raise the level of diagnose and therapy,and reduce misdiagnosis and mistherapy. 目的加深对特发性角膜内皮炎的认识,提高诊治水平,减少误诊误治。
- The major complications were corneal edema, rupture of posterior capsule and opacity of posterior capsule. 术中和术后主要并发症为角膜水肿、囊膜破裂和后囊膜混浊。
- The acute pressure rise may also cause corneal edema, giving the cornea a steamy appearance. 眼压急性升高也可以引起角膜水肿,使角膜呈现出篜汽样外观。
- Corneal edema and signs of liver disease, such as jaundice, vomiting, and hepatic encephalopathy, may also occur. 亦可能出现角膜水肿和肝脏疾病症状,例如黄疸、呕吐和肝性脑病等。
- The major complications were rupture of posterior capsule 6 eyes (2.83%) and medium corneal edema 4 eves (1.89%). 主要并发症:后囊破裂6眼(2.;83%25),中度角膜水肿4眼(1
- The differences of accumulated energy complex and 24hr postoperation corneal edema grades were compared between two groups. 对比两组病例的累积能量复合参数以及术后角膜水肿的差异性。
- UBM was used to observe 160 cases (189 eyes) with corneal edema, corneal opaque, PRK, PK and the manifestations on UBM were summarized. 方法应用超声生物显微镜对160例(189只眼)角膜水肿、角膜混浊、角膜屈光手术、角膜移植手术患者进行检查,对其超声表现进行总结。
- Results The mean accumulated energy complex parameter(AECP) is positive correlation versus the lens nucleus hardness and corneal edema rate. 结果平均累积能量复合参数(AECP)与晶状体核硬度和角膜水肿成正相关。
- Acute idiopathic corneal endotheliitis 急性特发性角膜内皮炎
- The complications included corneal edema and damage of pupillary margin in the operation, and anterior vitreous inflammatory reaction after the operation. 本组并发症主要为角膜水肿,瞳孔缘虹膜咬伤,前段玻璃体炎症等。
- In conclusion, cyctociyottterapy was indeed effective in pain relief, insprovensent of corneal edema and regression of rubeosis iridis.But the control of IOP was unsatisfactory. 结果显示睫状体冷冻治疗可有效地改善眼球疼痛,角膜水肿及虹彩新生血管,但对眼压的控制则不理想。
- Complications such as corneal edema, uveitis and increased introcular tension recovered in 1 week after operation.The local angle conglutination was found around the open-loop. 术后并发症角膜水肿、葡萄膜炎和眼压升高均在1周内恢复正常,在襻的周围有局限性房角粘连。
- Results 0.1‰ mercury bichloride solution can easily cause conjunctiva red, pain, photophobia, shed tears and cornea edema. 结果1万升汞(二氯化汞)易导致结膜充血、畏光、流泪、角膜水肿、疼痛。
- Results:In the major complications,posterior capsule rupture occurred on 6 eyes(9.38%) and cornea edema on 12 eyes(18.7%). 结果:主要并发症中为后囊膜破裂6眼(9.;38%25),角膜水肿12眼(18