- I'm going to count to three, and if you don't have the toys picked up by then. 数到三你不收玩具,我就。
- I'm going to make sure if I'm going to Macao. 我要拿定主意我是否去澳门。
- Every time a Death Eater falls, I'm going to count how many Death Eaters are remaining in parentheses. 每一次有食死徒倒下,我就会在括号里计出还剩下多少食死徒。
- No, I'm going to get a facial massage. 不,我要去做脸部按摩。
- Man, I'm beat. I'm going to hit the sack. 天啊,我累死了。我要去睡觉了。
- As soon as I can, I'm going to change jobs. 一旦有可能,我就准备换一份工作。
- I've had enough of it; I'm going to jack it in now. 这一套我已经受够了; 现在我不打算干了。
- "I'm going to do it," I said quietly. "我就去做,"我轻声地说。
- I feel a bit rough I'm going to bed. 我有点儿不舒服--想去睡觉了。
- Do not prescribe to me what I'm going to do. 不要规定我做什么事。
- It's difficult, but I'm going to persevere with it. 难是难,但我一定坚持到底。
- I feel as if I'm going to be sick. 我觉得我好像要生病了
- I go to bed at a quarter to ten. 我九点三刻上床。
- I have a long way to go before dark. I'm going to head out. 天黑前我还有很远的路要走,我得上路了。
- I need a lot of cloth if I'm going to make a long dress. 我如果做一件长礼服,需要很多料子。
- If he thinks I'm going to say yes he's got another think coming! 如果他认为我会说同意的话,那么他就错了!
- If you think I'm going to lend you my car you can think again! 你要是以为我能把汽车借给你,你还是另打主意吧。
- If I have enough money, I'm going to take a trip abroad. 假如我有足够的钱,我准备去国外旅行一次。
- You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to lend you 50! 你以为我会借给你50英镑,你准是疯了!
- No, I'm going to the snack bar to get a doughnut and some milk. 不,我要到小吃店买一个油炸圈饼和一些牛奶。