- I'll allow his cleverness. 我愿承认他的聪明。
- The child is remarkable for his cleverness. 这孩子聪明得惊人。
- His cleverness and skill compel our admiration. 他的聪明和技巧使我们赞叹不已。
- She was very helpful when my mother was ill,I'll allow you that. 我母亲生病时她帮了很大的忙,我同意你说的这一点。
- His clever manipulation of the stock market make him lots of money. 他在股票交易中买卖精明,赚了很多钱。
- He never boasted of his cleverness. 他未曾夸耀过自己的聪明。
- If you' ll allow a slight digression,... 请允许我说几句题外话.
- His cleverness was much admired. 大家佩服他的聪明。
- "What happens one night if I'm standing on a corner and something goes down and I don't got one?" said Trent, who would not allow his full name to be used. "如果有一天晚上我站在街角,发生了事故,而我没有一把[手枪]。那可怎么办?"特伦特说,他不愿用他的全名。
- His cleverness and talents compel our admiration. 他精明能干,令我们不得不肃然起敬。
- The little boy has proved his cleverness in the television quiz. 这个小男孩在这次电视知识测验中证实了他的聪明。
- He allow his children to do as they like. 他允许他的孩子们做他们想做的事。
- All of us were surpassed by his clever answer. 我们在座的每一个人谁也不会想到他会做出这样机智的回答。
- Ll allow you a 5% discount as an exception to our usual practice. 我破例给你5%25的折扣。
- In this picture the artist certainly allow his imagination free rein. 艺术家在这幅画里任其想像力尽情奔驰。
- His clever manipulation of the stock markets makes him lots of money. 他在股票交易中买卖精明,赚了很多钱。
- His clever tricks amused the children. 他的巧妙的戏法使孩子们发笑。
- He paused to allow his words to sink in. 他停了一下,好让人充分领会他的意思。
- His clever ideas were shot down in flames. 他那聪明的主意遭到猛烈的批评。
- His clever tricks amused the children . 他的巧妙的戏法使孩子们发笑。