- Human Right Cost 人权成本
- Literacy may not be an inalienable human right. 能读写可能算不得是一项不可剥夺的人权。
- His protests on human rights sound hollow. 他就人权问题提出的抗议听来很空洞。
- Where is unborn baby's human right? 未出生婴儿的人权在那呢?
- This is a flagrant violation of human rights. 这是对人权的公然侵犯。
- So they have no right to talk about human rights. 所以,他们谈人权是没有资格的。
- The speaker made an eloquent appeal for human rights. 该发言人就人权问题发出了强有力的呼吁。
- We all must stand up for democracy and human rights. 我们都必须支持民主,维护民权。
- The issue of human rights is widely agitated. 人权问题引起广泛而激烈的辩论。
- To be the most critical link in our client's supply chain by positioning the right products, at the right place, at the right cost, at the right time, in the right condition. 在恰当的时间和地点,以恰当的成本,在恰当的条件下提供给客户恰当的产品,力求成为我们客户供应链中的关键一环。
- Responsible for delivering planned output according to production plan in coordination with other departments, with the right quality and at the right cost. 根据生产计划,协调各部门之间的沟通与合作,在可控的质量和成本状态下,完成计划的生产任务。
- The new law provides for equality of human rights. 新法律规定人权平等。
- The new law provided for equality of human rights. 新法律规定人人有平等的权利。
- Freedom of expression(= freedom to say what you think)is a basic human right. 言论自由是基本的人权。
- What does the UN do for human rights? 联合国为人权做些什么?
- The country has a poor record on human rights. 这个国家人权记录不佳。
- Let us unite to fight for human rights. 让我们协力为人权而战。
- She is a vigorous supporter of human rights. 她是人权运动的积极支持者。
- She is renowned for her advocacy of human rights. 她以提倡人权而闻名。
- With human rights, nobody should be railroaded. (鑑于人权,不可待人不公平。)